Lüks Karadeniz Seyahat - Bus Tickets

Lüks Karadeniz Seyahat

    Available for Sale
    150 Station
    Mahmut Hayri İslam

About Lüks Karadeniz Seyahat

Founded by Mahmut Hayri İslam in 1992, Luxury Karadeniz company quickly integrated with the people of the Black Sea region with its innovative and reliable service approach. It sells bus tickets from Hopa, Arhavi, Fındıklı, Ardeşen, Pazar, Çayeli, Gündoğdu, Rize, Trabzon, Samsun to Ankara. There are also flights from Samsun, Izmir, Antalya, Bursa, Istanbul, Konya, Kayseri and Ankara to Batumi, the beautiful city of Georgia. It goes to Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, from Trabzon, Samsun, Ankara and Istanbul. All buses of Luxury Karadeniz, which promises a comfortable journey with the features of its fleet, have 220 volt sockets. The service offered by the company is increasing day by day with its renewed fleet, 10-inch HD quality televisions and 2+1 seating opportunities. In addition, unlike other companies, Luxury Karadeniz company offers the opportunity to find out the location of your passenger with the vehicle license plate number information, thanks to the GPS tracking system. Luxury Black Sea company, which has been growing rapidly since 1992 and serving all of Turkey, especially the Eastern Black Sea Region, awaits its passengers with its reliable fleet, friendly team and comfortable buses.

Lüks Karadeniz Seyahat Most Visited 140 Bus Terminal

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