Bus Tickets to Samandagi

Information About Samandagi

CITY Hatay

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Samandagi Bus Ticket

There are 12 villages in Samandağı, which is located in the southern part of Turkey and is a district of Hatay province. Samandağı district; It is located between Mount Musa, Samandağ and Keldağ. Although Samandağı is built in a delta, it is waiting for its visitors. For visiting the region

From Samandağı bus companies

You can choose one.

Samandağı bus ticket

By making your choice, you can start visiting the districts of Hatay province. After the bus ride, you come to the bus station. There are vehicles providing transportation to the bus terminal area and other surrounding districts. Thanks to these vehicles, you can easily reach the region you want.

Places to Visit in Samandağı

In Hatay province, which has witnessed many events from past to present, historical places are open to visitors. We have listed the places you should definitely see when you come to Samandağı district of Hatay province. If you also want to visit these regions

Samandağı bus schedules

You can research. Places to visit in the region are listed as follows:

Titus Tunnel:
  • Titus Tunnel, which contains the ruins of a port city founded in the 300s, attracts the attention of tourists.
  • Beşikli Cave:
  • It is known as a region where Roman tombs are located. There are approximately 93 graves in this area.
  • Samandağ Beach:
  • This beach, which has the title of one of the longest beaches in Turkey, awaits its visitors.
  • What to Eat in Samandağ?From your Hatay flights

    Then you can go to restaurants to taste the local flavors of the region. In addition to the beauty of the region, its local dishes are also starting to gain fame among tourists. Some of these local flavors are shaped as follows:

  • Hatay Tray Kebab
  • Fellah Meatballs
  • Kaytaz Pastry
  • Hatay Style Paper Kebab
  • Additive Bread
  • Hatay Broad Bean Paste
  • Spinach Borani
  • Hatay Stuffed Meatballs
  • Where to Stay in Samandağ?

    Samandağ hosts thousands of tourists every year. For this reason, there are many types of hotels in and around the region. Samandağı district and its surroundings; There are hostels, boutique hotels, apart hotels, all-inclusive hotels and more. If you want to stay in these hotels during your holiday, the first thing you should do is

    Samandağı bus ticket prices

    You need to look. After choosing your bus ticket, it's up to you to enjoy your holiday. If you don't want to travel by bus

    Hatay flight ticket

    you can look. In this way, you can have a more comfortable and faster journey.

    Bus Stations in Samandagi

    Popular Bus Trips Arriving At Samandagi

    * The ticket prices shown are the most affordable prices of the tickets purchased at obilet within the last 7 days. Please inquire the current ticket prices from above

    Samandagi Hotels
