Bus Tickets to Ilgaz

Information About Ilgaz

LAND AREA 845 km²
CITY Cankiri

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Ilgaz Bus Ticket

Ilgaz is a district of Çankırı, but it is also close to Kastamonu. You should definitely come to this district, which is famous for the Ilgaz Mountain from which it takes its name. You can complete your Ilgaz bus ticket purchases via obilet.com.

Companies providing Ilgaz bus services are generally local travel companies. You can see each of these companies on obilet.com, compare their details and features, and buy your Ilgaz bus ticket by choosing the company that is suitable for you.

Where to visit in Ilgaz?

Ilgaz is a small district and there are two must-see places: Ilgaz Mountain Ski Center and Ilgaz Mountain National Park.

Ilgaz Ski Center is one of the popular places for everyone interested in winter tourism. It is a very successful place with its extensive ski slopes and accommodation facilities with extensive facilities.

Ilgaz National Park is; It has a rich vegetation and streams. You can spend time in the trout facilities around the Karasu Stream and even fish in this stream.

What to eat in Ilgaz?

You should never leave without eating trout. You can also find every type of food you can think of.

Where to stay in Ilgaz?

There are accommodation facilities suitable for every budget and opportunity in the center of Ilgaz, in the national park and in the ski resort area.

You should definitely go to Ilgaz, which has a different beauty in every season. If you want to have short getaways, especially in spring and winter, you should direct your route here. You can check bus schedules and buy your ticket on Obilet.com.


Of course, a district with perfection in summer and winter comes to mind. The district is rich in tourism in summer and winter.

For this reason, visitors visit this district in every season. The people and tradesmen are friendly, so visitors leave the district satisfied.

The region has many places to visit. Nature landscapes have very high quality visuals.

Things You Need to Know After Buying an Ilgaz Bus Ticket

Ilgaz bus ticket

If it is winter, you should take your ski gear with you and if it is summer, you should take your sports clothes with you.

because it is a magnificent district worth visiting. For this reason, it fascinates its visitors.

5 Reasons to Visit Ilgaz

  • unique dishes
  • Sights worth seeing
  • Its richness in terms of tourism
  • Being a unique natural wonder place
  • Many unique activities to do
  • Places to Visit in Ilgaz

    In this charming district with its unique beauty, there are many places of excellence that visitors cannot get enough of.

    If we want to list these places, they are; İndağı Rock Tomb, Kırkpınar plateau, Osman Lake plateau, Ilgaz Doruk locality. İndağı Rock Tomb, these tombs belong to the Roman and Byzantine periods.

    Although these tombs are damaged by many treasure hunters, they still fascinate their visitors. Kırkpınar plateau, there is a pond in this plateau and this pond is fed by 40 springs.

    It has such beauty that it will amaze everyone with its greenery. Osman Lake plateau is magnificent with its nature and visitors often come here to take nature photographs.

    Ilgaz Doruk location is a must for our district. This mountain, which has borders with two provinces, is flooded with visitors in every season. It fascinates its visitors with ski sports in winter and nature sports in summer.

    What to Eat in Ilgaz? What is it famous for?

    There are also must-have delicacies when you come to this natural wonder district, which is known for its magnificence.

    These flavors leave people's tastes on their palate with their unique beauty and make them admire the taste.

    These flavors are; Etli Ekmek, Perişka, Cizlama and Keskek are the indispensable and famous dishes of our district.

    if the

    Ilgaz ticket

    If you have purchased it, you can first visit this district, even if only for the excellent places to see and see, and then for these delicacies.

    Bus Stations in Ilgaz

    Ilgaz Bus Stationı Ziraat Mh. 18400 Ilgaz/Çankırı

    Operating Carriers Based in Ilgaz

    Ilgaz Hotels
