Bus Tickets to Senkoy

Information About Senkoy

CITY Мардін

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Senkoy Bus Ticket

Şenköy is a neighborhood in the Midyat district of Mardin province. It is located approximately 50 kilometers from Mardin's city center and 15 kilometers from Midyat district. Şenköy is 1.5 hours away from Mardin city center. This district, which has many historical riches, attracts many local and foreign tourists to the region thanks to its architectural structures.

You need to come to Mardin before coming to Şenköy.

Şenköy bus services

You can easily get here from Mardin city center.

Şenköy bus companies

Among them, Midyat Seyyidoğlu Tourism stands out.

Places to Visit in ŞenköyMardin flights

There are many places to visit in Mardin Şenköy, where you come from. Places to visit in Şenköy, where architectural structures are at the forefront, are listed as follows:

Cevat Pasha Mosque:
  • This mosque, known as one of the most famous mosques in Mardin, is also known as Midyat Ulu Mosque.
  • Mor Barsavmo Church:
  • The historical texture of the church, known by locals as the Virgin Mary Church, fascinates visitors.
  • What to Eat in Şenköy?Mardin flight tickets

    You should definitely try these famous flavors when you come to Mardin.

  • In this cuisine where meat, bulgur and yoghurt dominate, Stuffed Meatballs, one of the foods combining these ingredients, is a very famous taste.
  • In addition, stuffed lamb, stuffed tripe, stuffed dried meatballs and lentil meatballs are also among the famous foods of the region.
  • Where to Stay in Şenköy?Şenköy bus ticket

    There are some points to consider before coming here. First of all, before buying a bus ticket

    Şenköy bus ticket prices

    And to make a hotel reservation, it is necessary to research the hotels thoroughly.

    In Şenköy, you have the chance to stay comfortably in boutique and apart-style hotels. Thanks to the services offered in these hotels, you can have a nice holiday experience for yourself.

    It is an extremely important and rich district in terms of history.

    You put

    It has hosted many Mesopotamian civilizations in particular. Therefore, Şenköy resembles a historical museum; It almost reminds those who see it of a medieval city with its stone mansions, arched passage structures and minaret-like bell towers.

    Although the village, which is famous for its silver and stone workmanship, is a small and cute place, it is a region that has a reputation for handicrafts, has proven itself and has almost opened up to the world. This village is the place where stone workmanship called Filigree is made as a great handicraft.

    What You Need to Know After Buying a Şenköy Bus Ticket

    Şenköy is approximately 1.5 hours away from Mardin city center. There are flights from Mardin city center to Şenköy. Therefore, if you want to go to Şenköy, first go to Mardin province.

    bus ticket

    You need to take it. When you arrive in Mardin, you can get there by taking the buses from the center to Şenköy.

    5 Reasons to Visit Şenköy
  • It is a region with a very high historical texture.
  • Assyrian churches with their historical houses, architectural works and even bell towers are worth seeing.
  • As with many mines, it is a highly developed place, especially in stone and silver workmanship.
  • Şenköy still embodies the characteristics of many civilizations today.
  • It reveals the Mesopotamian and medieval city to its visitors.
  • Places to Visit in Şenköy

    There are many places to visit in Şenköy, which is rich in history and architectural works. Especially Cevat Pasha Mosque, H. Abdurrahman Mosque, Ulu Mosque, Mor Barsavmo Church, Protestant Church Mor Aksanoya Church and Mor Abraham Church are among the places that must be visited in Şenköy. If you want to visit these beauties, go to Mardin immediately.


    You can take.

    What to Eat in Şenköy? What is it famous for?

    Meat, bulgur and yoghurt are consumed quite frequently. Therefore, the most famous dish in Şenköy is stuffed meatballs. In addition to stuffed meatballs, stuffed lamb, stuffed tripe, stuffed dried meatballs and lentil meatballs are also famous.

    Bus Stations in Senkoy

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    * The ticket prices shown are the most affordable prices of the tickets purchased at obilet within the last 7 days. Please inquire the current ticket prices from above

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