Bus Tickets to Reyhanli

Information About Reyhanli

LAND AREA 367 km²
CITY Hatay

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Reyhanli Bus Ticket

Reyhanlı, which has a Mediterranean climate and is very rich in history and ethnicity, is a district of Hatay. If you are interested in trips full of history and culture and make your travel plans accordingly, you should go to Reyhanlı. You can buy Reyhanlı bus tickets via Obilet.com.

The number of companies providing bus services to Reyhanlı is small and they are generally local companies. You can view all of these companies in detail on obilet.com. You can compare prices and features between them. Thus, you can choose the company that is suitable for you and buy your Reyhanlı bus ticket.

Where to visit in Reyhanlı?

There are many natural and historical beauties that you can visit and explore in Reyhanlı. There is a cultural richness in the district, which dates back to ancient times as a settlement.

One of the first places you should see in Reyhanlı is Yenişehir Lake. This place is among the eye-catching places of the city with its bridges, trees and boats. You can spend time in the facilities here and enjoy walking and picnicking.

You should definitely visit historical buildings such as Cüdeyde Mound, which dates back to 4500 BC, Kızlar Palace, which was built during the Byzantine period, Atçana Ruins, which is considered a living example of history, Çatalhöyük, which is assumed to be the capital of the Hittites, Tel Avare Village, where the ruins of the Catholic Age are collected, Hittite Palace Ruin and Tel Tainat. You should travel.

Imma Castle is also a building from the Roman period, but it does not remain only as a historical heritage. There are also picnic and recreation areas around it.

While you are here, you should also see the Sultan Gelin Evi, where the famous movie Sultan Gelin starring Türkan Şoray was shot.

If you want to purify and heal during part of your holiday, you should also go to Reyhanlı Hamamat Thermal Springs.

What to eat in Reyhanlı?

Being in a district of Hatay means being in the land of taste. You should enjoy it to the fullest. The important flavor unique to Reyhanlı is chicken in salt. You should definitely try this delicious dish.

Apart from salted chicken, you should also eat classic Hatay appetizers. Of course, you should never leave without eating kunefe.

Where to stay in Reyhanlı?

Since Reyhanlı is a small settlement, accommodation options are limited. In line with these options, you can find hotels that suit you in terms of price and facilities.

Reyhanlı is a special route that everyone who loves ethnic travel should go. You can check the Reyhanlı bus schedule list on obilet.com.


is a district of Hatay province. Recently, it has gained the title of rich district. It is on the Syrian border. Cilvegöz Border Gate is located in Reyhanlı. The people's livelihood is generally based on agriculture. It is a region with a very old history. Its people are loyal to their region. Its cultural characteristics continue to be intense.

What You Need to Know After Buying a Reyhanlı Bus Ticket


bus ticket

Those who will visit this place should first go to Hatay center. Hatay center


After getting there, you can reach the district by taking minibuses from the city center to Reyhanlı.

5 Reasons to Visit Reyhanlı
  • Hospitality of the local people
  • Tasting local delicacies on-site and from the hands of the people
  • Being close to the border gate
  • Presence of baths, castles and historical palaces
  • Unique view of Yenişehir lake and its waterfall and picnic areas
  • Places to Visit in Reyhanli

    Reyhanlı is a district of Hatay province. The abundance of historical sites and natural wonders and places to visit attracts attention from visitors. The list of places to visit in Reyhanlı district is as follows;

    Yenişehir lake; The waterfall in the lake and its unique view are among the must-see places.

    Reyhanlı Bath; It attracts attention with its water resources coming from different places.

    Imma Castle; It is a historical castle and today it is a deformed castle.

    Girls' Palace; This building, which is a historical palace, is about to be demolished. You need to get special permission to go here.

    Atçana; It is a mound very close to the town center.

    What to Eat in Reyhanlı? What is it famous for?

    Künefe, one of the famous flavors of Hatay, is very famous in Reyhanlı district. One of the famous delicacies that visitors should definitely try is salted chicken. Chicken cooked in salt has a unique taste.

    Katıklı made in tandoor is also among the local delicacies in Reyhanlı. Homemade pepper and tomato pastes are also very famous. Additionally, salty yoghurt and its fried foods, unique to Reyhanlı district, are a flavor specific to the region.

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