Bus Tickets to Isikli

Information About Isikli

CITY Denizli

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Isikli Bus Ticket

Işıklı, a district of Denizli province, is located in the Aegean Region of Turkey. Işıklı, whose name comes from the lake in its geography, is located on the Büyük Menderes River. For this reason, it fascinates everyone who sees it, especially foreign tourists.

If you want to admire the popular river of this district, you must first decide which transportation route you want to choose. If you decide to go by bus later

Işıklı bus ticket prices

You can take a brief look at the city and then visit the highlights such as Pamukkale.

Işıklı bus companies

You can choose one of the following. After arriving at Denizli Bus Terminal, you can use public transportation options to Işıklı district.

Places to Visit in Işıklı

After reaching Işıklı, located next to the Büyük Menderes River in the Aegean Region, you should definitely visit these places:

Forum Çamlık:Işıklı bus services
  • with
  • Forum Çamlık, which can be visited, is in a convenient location to buy souvenirs.
  • İnceğiz Canyon:
  • This canyon, which has a perfect viewing view, fascinates you with its natural beauty.
  • What to Eat in Işıklı?Işıklı bus ticket

    After visiting Işıklı district, which you reached by taking the car, do not return without tasting this delicacy:

    Denizli Soup:
  • The soup prepared with rabbit meat also contains pieces of dough. This flavor always makes the Işıklı district of Denizli unforgettable.
  • Where to Stay in Işıklı?

    In Işıklı; You will have a comfortable stay as there are boutique, bungalow, hostel and apartment style hotels. At the same time, the understanding staff of the facilities help you even when you arrive without making your hotel reservation in advance. Also, besides the bus, if you want

    Denizli flight ticket

    You can also reach the city by air. Thus

    Denizli flights

    After arriving in the city, you can have the opportunity to relax at your hotel.

    Bus Stations in Isikli

    Operating Carriers Based in Isikli

    Carriers That Have Ceased to Operate Based on Isikli
