Bus Tickets to Gundogdu

Information About Gundogdu


Things You Need to Know After Buying the Gundogdu Bus Ticket

It is a small district of Rize with an area of 7 square kilometers and is cute and does not have a large population. Its previous names were Petakoz and Yaliha. Even later


took its name. It has five neighborhoods and fifteen villages. Since Gündoğdu is a small district, its people continue to adhere to their traditions and neighborly relations still continue.

It has also developed because it is one of the central districts of Rize. It is the place where the first tea saplings were planted and the first tea factory was opened. Since it is in the Black Sea region, it is a very beautiful district where the sea and greenery mix together. It is also visited by people who want to get enough of the sea and greenery.

What You Need to Know After Buying a Gündoğdu Bus Ticket

There are many companies with flights to Gündoğdu. Before buying your bus ticket, consult a reliable company.

bus ticket

should be taken. In addition to being reliable, it is also important that the company is comfortable and convenient as it may be a long journey. The district is also the intersection point of many provinces in terms of transportation, so there is no transportation problem.

5 Reasons to Visit Gündoğdu

  • Seeing the most natural green
  • Seeing the bluest sea
  • Witnessing the growing conditions of tea on site
  • drink the best tea
  • This district should be visited to wander around the tea fields and get enough of the fresh air.
  • Places to Visit in Gündoğdu

    You can visit the historical tea factory and buy tea from the factory. Rize mountains, which have natural beauties, are one of the most beautiful places to visit. By wandering around the tea fields, you can hear the tea being picked and smell the tea. Walking in nature will also help you feel good.

    What to Eat in Gündoğdu? What is it famous for?

    There are many restaurants serving good food in Rize. While you are in Rize, you should not leave without eating fish, drinking tea and eating kuymak for breakfast. Also, other dishes should definitely be tasted.

    Bus Stations in Gundogdu

    Carriers That Have Ceased to Operate Based on Gundogdu
