Best Hotels in Gelibolu

About Hotels in Gelibolu
Canakkale Airport
Bus Station
Gelibolu Bus Stationı
Number of Hotels
Average Price of Accommodation for 2 People
€ 188
Cheap Room Price per Night
€ 43
Average Rating of Hotels
8.4/ 10

Gelibolu About

Hotels in Gelibolu

Gelibolu is a beautiful seaside town in Northwestern Turkey along the Dardanelles Strait. Though this town has a grim history, being a World War One battleground, the region's beauty and history make it an amazing site to visit today. With unique activities, beautiful sights, and stunning coasts, Gelibolu would make for a fantastic place to enjoy a vacation! The hotels in Gelibolu offer different facilities and a wide range of accommodation options for travelers. One of the great things about Gelibolu is that it is located near other towns, and staying at one of the Çanakkale hotels would offer you the chance to enjoy a day trip to Gelibolu. Çanakkale flight ticket and Çanakkale bus ticket options can be found here at obilet, making planning your vacation easy!

About Gelibolu

Gelibolu is a famous Turkish town, most well known for the impact that World War One had on this region. The Gallipoli campaign was one of the most deadly campaigns of World War One, and being able to visit some of these most monumental sites will expose you to the history and the region. Along with learning more about Gelibolu and the area's history, this town is filled with many different things for travelers to do! From exploring and relaxing on Gelibolu beaches to enjoying walking through the harbor, this town would be a wonderful vacation spot! With many hotels in Gelibolu, the opportunities are endless when planning your vacation!

How to Get to Gelibolu?

Two of the easiest ways to reach the hotels in Gelibolu are flying or taking a bus to the region. For Gelibolu bus ticket options, we have a wide range of bus services available at different price points! Taking a bus may be the easiest way to travel, as there are few airports near this region. If you want to fly, you must fly into Edremit and take a bus or taxi the rest of the way.

How is Urban Transportation in Gelibolu?

Regarding transportation in Gelibolu, travelers can use the local bus service, walk or just take a taxi to the destination they are visiting! Many of the major sights can also be seen by booking a tour, where transportation would generally be included. Generally, the hotels in Gelibolu would be able to help you to organize these tours and ensure that transportation is handled!

Hotels in Gelibolu: Where to Stay in Gelibolu?

One of the great things about staying in a small town is that there are different accommodation options for you to consider. From small bed and breakfast style places to fancy hotels in Gelibolu, travelers have various options. The type of accommodation in Gelibolu you decide on may depend on what facilities you are after and how long you plan to stay in the town!

What are the Must-See Places in Gelibolu?

There are several different places to visit in Gelibolu, and when you visit, you will want to be sure that you get to see all of the significant spots. The following are just a few must-see places when traveling to Gelibolu!

  • Gallipoli Lighthouse: The magnificent Gallipoli Lighthouse is a wondrous sight to see! Built in 1865, this lighthouse has been one of the city's main attractions for over one hundred years. The structure's beauty can be enjoyed while looking over the spectacular coast!
  • Çanakkale Martyrs Monument: The Gelibolu Campaign during World War One makes up for a lot of the region's history, and visiting the Çanakkale Martyrs Monument is a must-do activity when in this town. The ominous structure pays tribute to the fallen soldiers who gave their lives during the battles in this region.
  • Gallipoli Peninsula Historical National Park: Another spot to visit if you are interested in learning about the history of Gelibolu is the Gallipoli Peninsula Historical National Park! This park was established in 1973 to honor those who lost their lives during WWI.

What to Eat in Gelibolu?

As a town located on the shore, most of the most famous dishes in Gelibolu are seafood dishes. For the chance to taste freshly caught fish while sitting right next to the sea, head to the town's marina and visit one of the restaurants along this beautiful dock! The seafood is unique from what you may have tasted before, as it is usually cooked using traditional methods with delicious herbs and spices that are often native to Turkey!

Gelibolu - Travel by Bus

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