Bus Tickets to Ceyhan

Information About Ceyhan

LAND AREA 1,426 km²
CITY Адана

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Ceyhan Bus Ticket

Ceyhan is an important district of Adana. It is a very important place in terms of touristic and natural beauties. To see the beauty of Ceyhan, you can buy a Ceyhan bus ticket on obilet.com and set off.

On Obilet.com, you can see all the bus companies that organize Ceyhan bus services and compare prices and features. You can buy your Ceyhan bus ticket by choosing the most suitable bus company.

What to visit in Ceyhan?

Ceyhan is one of the pleasant places in Adana. When you come to this city, you cannot do without seeing Ceyhan.

You should go to Yılan Castle, which is impressive with its view overlooking the Ceyhan Plain. You should definitely visit this castle, which has Byzantine, Crusader and Armenian ruins.

You should not return without seeing the Abdulkadirağa Mosque located in the center of Ceyhan.

Durhasan Dede Tomb is also one of the must-see and important symbols of Islamic tourism in the city.

You should see Kazankaya Castle, which is located near Kurtkulagi Village and has hosted many states. You can have a pleasant time by relaxing in the surrounding recreation areas.

Sirkeli Mound and Anavarza Castle are among the structures of historical importance.

Tatarlı Pine Grove is a must-see place with its pine trees and trout facilities. You can have a picnic here and have fun.

You should also add Tumlu Castle, which is architecturally similar to Yılan Castle, to the list of structures to see. There are many historical ruins in this castle.

Kurtkulagi Caravanserai is a historically important building located on the old Aleppo caravan route.

You can go to Incirlik Facilities and enjoy the sea and the sun.

What to eat in Ceyhan?

You can't be in Adana without eating kebab. The place to eat the best Adana kebab is Ceyhan. You should eat plenty of kebabs and appetizers.

Among the local flavors specific to Ceyhan; There are green burma, fatty bland, kömbe, garlic meatballs, eggplant casserole, spinach head with lentils, okra with chickpeas, rotten meat, noodles, bumbar baba gannuş, stuffed şerdan, hummus, stuffed meatballs, barren, ring soup and doğme pilaf.

Where to stay in Ceyhan?

There are accommodation options for every budget in the center of Ceyhan. You can also pitch a tent in the camping areas at Incirlik Facilities.

Ceyhan is a place where you can see the different and natural face of Adana. You can buy your Ceyhan bus ticket via Obilet.com.



It is one of the districts that contributes a lot to the country's economy. Ceyhan has a Mediterranean climate, with dry summers and rainy winters. Ceyhan, which has hosted many civilizations throughout history, was liberated from the occupation of France in 1921. The town of Incirlik, 20 km away from Ceyhan, is located on the side overlooking the coast. Those who come to the seaside town, where there is no accommodation, generally prefer to spend their holidays by pitching a tent. With the agreement made with the USA in 1954, an air base was established here. When you want to make a historical trip with its tombs, mosques, caravanserais, castles and ruins, you can buy it from bus companies.


It should be to Ceyhan.

What You Need to Know After Buying a Bus Ticket to Ceyhan


It is full of historical riches. This is the reason why most of those who come to Ceyhan visit.

Ceyhan bus terminal

Even though it is not within the district, you can easily contact the companies in the terminal to avoid waiting for transportation to your destination.

You can easily go to the places to visit within the district you want to reach by public transportation.

5 Reasons to Visit Ceyhan

  • Durhasan Dede Tomb
  • Tumlu and Kazan rock castle
  • Wolf's Ear Caravanserai
  • Famous Adana Kebab
  • Shahmaran in the Snake Castle
  • Places to Visit in Ceyhan

    The Grand Mosque, built by Abdulkadir Agha, one of the first settlers in Ceyhan in 1868, still maintains its magnificence today.

    It is known that the construction of Durhasan Dede Tomb, which is mostly visited by Alevis and Bektashis, started in 1717.

    to Ceyhan

    Kumlu Castle, located 17 km away, is one of the historical monuments that have survived to this day.

    It is one of the places worth visiting with its bastions, moats and watchtowers. We recommend you to visit the Wolf's Ear Caravanserai.

    In addition to its historical texture, it is still used as an ethnography museum.

    What to Eat in Ceyhan? What is it famous for?

    We didn't know which ones to count in the district, which is rich in food. But the place where Adana kebab is famous is Ceyhan. to Ceyhan


    If you buy it, you should not leave without tasting its kebab, kombe, garlic meatballs, eggplant casserole, hummus, beaten rice, baba ganoushu, kebab, rotten meat, chickpeas, okra and many other dishes that we cannot list.

    Bus Stations in Ceyhan

    Ceyhan Bus Stationı İstiklal Mh. 01960 Ceyhan/Adana