Bus Tickets to Sivrikaya

Information About Sivrikaya


Things You Need to Know After Buying the Sivrikaya Bus Ticket


It is a village within the İkizdere district of Rize province. Although the history of the region dates back to ancient times, Sivrikaya is one of the Hemşin villages of İkizdere district. Hemşinli, the indigenous people of the region, also constitute the village people.

Sivrikaya is a mountain village and its altitude is 1800 m. The village preserves its own culture. For example, the loincloth, which is unique to the region, is closed with the head and shoulders inside. Those who do not close feel like they are being disrespected. However, these practices have decreased considerably in the new generation. The distance of the village to the district is 20 km.

Things You Need to Know After Buying a Sivrikaya Bus Ticket

for idyll

bus ticket

You should know that you will be delighted to see the natural beauty after purchasing it. The climate of the region is under the influence of the Black Sea climate. The village economy is focused on agriculture and animal husbandry, and the road providing access to the village is asphalt.

When you go here, you will encounter a quiet village life and different cultures. It is an ideal place to relax. It is a very nice experience to meet the plateau culture in the paradise corners of nature.

5 Reasons to Visit Sivrikaya

for Sivrikaya


Reasons to buy and visit this region;

  • Getting to know the regional culture,
  • To experience local delicacies,
  • Seeing natural beauties and getting fresh air,
  • Witnessing the activity of a different culture, if the dates can be matched,
  • It can be listed as having a quiet time and relaxing.
  • Places to Visit in Sivrikaya

    The region is an ideal place in terms of natural beauty. Also, there is plateau culture here.

    It is possible to witness.

    Sivrikaya Plateau is one of the top places to visit. The plateau, which has an altitude of 1875 m, is a very valuable piece of natural beauty.

    Although there are forests and large pastures here, examples of wooden architecture of the local people can also be seen.

    Additionally, Çağrankaya Plateau, located near the region, is also worth seeing. Appears when fog falls

    coming out

    The landscape is like a postcard.

    You can take long walks here, be alone with nature and relax under the relaxing effect of natural beauties.

    What to Eat in Sivrikaya? What is it famous for?

    Cultural delicacies of the region include mihlama, kale soup and wraps, and corn bread with anchovies. The region literally bears the traces of the Black Sea culture in terms of food culture.

    Bus Stations in Sivrikaya

    Carriers That Have Ceased to Operate Based on Sivrikaya
