Bus Tickets to Menzil

Information About Menzil


Things You Need to Know After Buying the Menzil Bus Ticket

Menzil is known as a village in the Kahta town of Adıyaman. It is seen as a modern village in the region. Menzil, where Adıyaman's climate characteristics are experienced, is 75 km away from the city center.

It is possible to go to Menzil from Adıyaman Bus Terminal by bus. such as Kahta Petrol, Adıyaman Anka, Öz Gülaras, İstanbul Express

Range bus companies

You can easily reach the village via . In these companies

Menzil bus ticket prices

You can browse and buy a ticket for the flight that suits you.

Places to Visit in MenzilMenzil Mosque:Range bus services
  • Thanks to this, you can have a pleasant time in this charming village and its mosque.
  • What to Eat in Menzil?Range bus ticket

    After reaching the district, you can try almost all of Adıyaman's famous local delicacies.

    Bukhara Pilaf:
  • Rice prepared with chickpeas, carrots and lamb meat is served with ayran. The dish, which is loved by those who try it, is among the local flavors of the region.
  • Tattooc:
  • It is thought that the history of tattoo chowder, one of the most popular local dishes of Adıyaman, dates back to the past.
  • Burmese Dessert:
  • The addictive Burmese dessert, which you will want to try again after eating it once, is among the flavors you should try.
  • Where to Stay in Menzil?

    There are apartments where you can stay in Menzil. If you want to get away from the noise of the city and experience a spiritual rest, you can easily reach your accommodation with Menzil buses. If you wish

    Adıyaman flight tickets

    It is also possible to choose air transportation.

    Adiyaman flights

    After reaching the city center, you can easily reach Menzil.


    It is a village within the municipality of Kahta, the largest district of Adıyaman. Menzil, with its shopping malls, restaurants, cafes and recreation areas, is the most modern village in that region. There is also a primary school in the village.

    It has drinking water, sewage network, electricity and landline telephone. It attracts attention with its modern appearance. Menzil village is very hot like Adıyaman. Winters in Menzil are cold, reaching 40 degrees from time to time.

    The name Menzil means an accommodation place to rest during a journey. Located 85 km outside Adıyaman, Menzil is known as a village where visitors are very impressed by its atmosphere.

    Things You Need to Know After Buying a Menzil Bus Ticket

    If you are going in summer

    bus ticket

    Immediately after taking it, you need to buy sunscreen to protect yourself from harmful rays from the sun, because due to its location, summers are hot and sunny and winters are cold and rainy.

    If you are going in winter, you should dress warmly. Since Menzil village is a village founded on the Naqshbandi Order, research should be done to gain information about the Naqshbandi Order.

    It would be beneficial for you to collect information about the people there. There are shuttles and small buses going from Adıyaman Center to Menzi and

    ticket prices

    It is quite cheap.

    5 Reasons to Visit Menzil

  • The humble attitude of the people in the range is a reason to visit.
  • Village houses are quite striking.
  • It is also an ideal choice for those seeking spirituality.
  • The people of the village attract attention with their hospitality.
  • The view and location of the village will impress you.
  • Places to Visit in Menzil

    The range is a small village in terms of surface area, so there are not many places to visit. Only the mosque has a historical structure.

    What to Eat in the Range? What is it famous for?

    Menzil does not have its own food, but the food of the province it is affiliated with is quite famous and there are places where you can eat in Menzil.

    Adıyaman pancakes, sour meatballs, pumpkin vaccine, raw meatballs, eggplant tzatziki and şıllık dessert are famous. Additionally, the range soup and tea that can only be eaten in Menzil are also very famous.

    Bus Stations in Menzil
