Bus Tickets to Hasancelebi

Information About Hasancelebi

CITY Malatya

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Hasancelebi Bus Ticket

It is located in Malatya's Hasançelebi District, Hekimhan district. The fact that the name of the neighborhood is mentioned in old documents shows that it has a deep-rooted history. You can go to the city center by minibus lines.

If you want to go to this neighborhood, you must first decide which transportation method you want to use. If you want to go by bus, you can reach the nearest bus station.

Hasançelebibus companies

You choose one of the. Next

Hasançelebi bus ticket

you are getting it. Then you can start your fun journey.

Places to Visit in Hasançelebi

You should definitely visit these places in this neighborhood you come to by bus:

Hasançelebi Ilıca Recreation Area:
  • Recreational area with artificial lake
  • Hasançelebi bus schedules
  • You can easily reach us via . The recreation area offers the opportunity to carry out various activities, especially picnics, throughout the day.
  • What to Eat in Hasançelebi?Hasançelebi bus ticket prices

    You should definitely taste one of the local delicacies in this neighborhood, where you can choose the one that suits you best. Here is that flavor:

  • Gırık, a juicy meatball, is made with special butter, minced meat and potatoes. This dish, which is very different from the juicy meatballs you have eaten, manages to be one of the unique tastes of Malatya.
  • Where to Stay in Hasançelebi?

    Hasançelebi has only a few apartment-style hotels in terms of accommodation facilities. These hotels are frequently preferred because they have many opportunities.

    If you want to have quick transportation

    Malatya flight ticket

    You can reach the city by taking it.

    Malatya flights

    You can quickly get into the city and then settle into your hotel.

    Bus Stations in Hasancelebi

    Hasançelebi Bus Stationı Fırat, 63600 Siverek/Şanlıurfa

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    Popular Bus Trips Arriving At Hasancelebi

    * The ticket prices shown are the most affordable prices of the tickets purchased at obilet within the last 7 days. Please inquire the current ticket prices from above

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