Bus Tickets to Gelendost

Information About Gelendost

LAND AREA 610 km²

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Gelendost Bus Ticket

Gelendost, which has transitional characteristics between the Mediterranean climate and the Continental climate, is a district of Isparta. Gelendost is located 82 km away from Isparta Center.

If you want to travel to the district

Gelendost bus ticket

you can buy it. Allowing you to go to both the district and the center

Gelendost bus companies

Among these, Isparta Petrol Turizm and Bizim Iğdır Seyahat stand out.

Places to Visit in GelendostGelendost bus schedules

After completing your journey, places to visit welcome you.

  • Avşar Bath attracts attention with its masonry structure built as a single bath. The rectangular planned bath is built on a flat area.
  • İncesu Mosque is covered with Marseille type tiles. The mosque, which draws attention with its interior decoration, has been standing since 1692.
  • Gelendost district is also very close to the shores of Lake Eğirdir. In this way, you can also have the opportunity to see Eğirdir Lake.
  • What to Eat in Gelendost?Gelendost bus ticket prices

    After examining it, you can also learn about the food and drink culture of the region.

  • Fırın Kebab is among the most famous flavors not only in Gelendost but also in Isparta. We should also point out that slow cooking adds a special flavor to the kebab.
  • We can also call it a kind of local karnıyarık for depositing. Naturally, the main ingredients of Yatırtma are eggplant and minced meat.
  • Even though it contradicts its name, matzo is a pastry. It is prepared with wheat flour, cream oil, eggs and salt.
  • Where to Stay in Gelendost?

    There are accommodation alternatives you can consider in Gelendost. Among these alternatives, hotel and apart hotel options generally stand out. You can also move a little further away from the center of Gelendost and consider hotels offering views of Lake Eğirdir.


    Isparta flights

    It also creates an alternative for your travel. To take advantage of this alternative

    Isparta flight tickets

    you can buy it.

    It is among the most interesting provinces of our country.


    located among the districts of the province


    The district named is a district covered with forests and plain areas in terms of its geographical location and landforms, and earns its living from agriculture and animal husbandry.

    There are 11 villages in this district, which is not crowded in terms of population. The most famous product in the field of agriculture is apple. The famous Eğridir lake, located within the district, is also an important source of income.

    Aquatic creatures such as fish and lobster in the lake are caught and traded. This district, which was founded in ancient times, is a district that has adhered to its traditions and customs from past to present.

    What You Need to Know After Buying a Gelendost Bus Ticket

    Transportation to Gelendost district, which is 80 km away from Isparta province, is mostly done by road.

    Gelendost bus ticket

    Before starting the journey, it is important to know the historical background of the district, that it is mostly engaged in agriculture, and that it is a district that prioritizes its traditions and customs.

    5 Reasons to Visit Gelendost

    Isparta Gelendost district is one of the many districts worth seeing in our country. The reason why its name is so interesting is based on a story from the past. Among the reasons sought to visit this district:

    It has a past history that needs to be known,

    Being a region that has achieved many victories that left their mark in history,

    Witnessing traces of civilizations with different cultures in the district,

    There are many historical monuments to visit and see.

    It is highly developed in areas such as Education, Health, Culture and Transportation.

    Places to Visit in Gelendost

    The ancient mosque from the Seljuks in Gelendost district, which you can reach after transportation by purchasing a ticket, is among the most important works. Afterwards, historical monuments such as Afşar bridge, Ertokuş caravanserai, Abdulgaffar mosque, located in the district, are among the places worth seeing.

    Bus Stations in Gelendost

    Operating Carriers Based in Gelendost

    Carriers That Have Ceased to Operate Based on Gelendost
