Bus Tickets to Soma

Information About Soma

LAND AREA 820 km²
CITY Manisa

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Soma Bus Ticket

Soma, a district of Manisa in the Aegean Region of Turkey, is located on the foothills of Yunt Mountain. Soma, which has rich mineral reserves, has been providing great employment to both the country and the people of Soma for years.

To get to Soma immediately

Soma bus ticket prices

You should get information about it and buy your ticket. When you arrive at Soma bus terminal, there is a Sarıkız travel agency that organizes trips to reach the city center. Sarıkız travel agency

Soma Bus companies

It is known as the company that organizes the most flights.

Places to Visit in SomaSoma bus schedules

Some places you can see with:

Soma Seyirtepe:
  • Located on a high hill in the center of Soma, Soma Seyirtepe awaits its visitors by revealing the view of the natural beauty of the city.
  • Historical Darkale Houses:
  • Darkale houses are located in Darkale village of Soma. Darkale village, which resembles a paradise hidden in nature, offers its visitors a unique experience with its historical buildings that are said to be intertwined.
  • Kırkoluk Mosque:
  • Kırkoluk Mosque, thought to be built in the 19th century, is located in Darkale. Kırkoluk Mosque, which smells of history and sincerity, is a historical building that you should definitely visit.
  • What to Eat in Soma?

    Some of Soma's famous delicious dishes are listed as follows:

  • Kapama, which had its place in palace kitchens in the Ottoman Empire, is prepared by cooking lamb meat with delicious spices.
  • Sinkout:
  • The light sweetness of pumpkin is combined with onion, garlic and your favorite spices and served as a wonderful appetizer.
  • Soma delight:
  • Soma Turkish delight, unique to Soma and prepared with walnuts, is a flavor that appeals to almost everyone's taste.
  • Where to Stay in Soma?

    There are 3 and 4 star hotels with excellent service where you can stay in Soma. If you wish, immediately

    Soma bus ticket

    You can experience this experience by making a hotel reservation.


    The district is a district of Manisa and has hosted many civilizations in terms of history. These Hittites, Lydians, Byzantines, Seljuks, Romans and Ottomans ruled this region.

    Soma was declared as the sanjak center in the early 14th century. The main sources of income in the region are agriculture, industry and mining. Nearly 25% of the coal used in Turkey is extracted here. Bakırçay is used as the river source.

    Many grain products are grown due to the fertility of these lands. Wheat, barley, chickpeas, corn and olives are the most grown products on these lands.

    What You Need to Know After Buying a Bus Ticket to Soma

    affiliated with Manisa


    You can reach the district by bus or by train if you are in an area close to Manisa. If you come by bus, sometimes you can come to Soma not directly but by making a mandatory transfer from Manisa.

    Bus ticket

    You can easily visit the history and beauties of this geography.

    5 Reasons to Visit Soma

    There are many historical places. Places to Visit in Soma: Emin Hıdır Bey Mosque, the largest and historically oldest mosque in the region, is one of the beauties to be seen.

    Menteşe hot springs, which are monuments of both healing and beauty for those with illnesses, are one of the beauties of this land. If you go to Soma, do not forget to see Darkale village, its ruined houses and natural structure.

    What to Eat in Soma? What is it famous for?

    Soma's tahini halva and walnut Turkish delight are quite famous. Delicacies of the region include Manisa kebab, pita trotters, casserole and Bohça kebab.

    It also has many restaurants that will appeal to your taste. You can taste these delicacies when you purchase a ticket.

    Bus Stations in Soma

    Soma Bus Stationı Kurtuluş, Soma Otogarı, 45530 Soma/Manisa

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