Bus Tickets to Kapaklı

Information About Kapaklı

LAND AREA 182 km²
CITY Tekirdag

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Kapaklı Bus Ticket

Kapaklı is one of the beautiful districts of Tekirdağ. You should definitely explore this small and charming town and breathe in its atmosphere. You can go on a trip by purchasing your capped bus ticket on obilet.com.

Kapaklı bus services are only organized by local travel companies. You can see all of these companies in detail on obilet.com. You can choose the company that suits you by comparing prices and features. So you can buy your Kapaklı bus ticket.

Where to visit in Kapaklı?

It is a small place with a cover, but there is beauty hidden inside. You can start your trip by going to Kazak Lake and walking around it and having a picnic.

You can go to Kıyıköy, which is located nearby, swim in the sea and eat delicious fish.

You can visit the local market and buy delicious local products.

What to eat in Kapaklı?

You can eat lots of different types of fish. Since the dairies of this place are also famous, you should eat cheese and you can also buy it for your home.

Where to stay in Kapaklı?

You can come here for a day trip by staying in an area near Kapaklı. You can also stay in small hotels within the district or rent a house.

Kapaklı is a must-see place with its local delicacies and Kazak Lake. You can set off by purchasing your bus ticket via Obilet.com.

Kapaklı District of Tekirdağ is located in the Marmara region and is 70 km away. The district has a large area covered with eroded plains, plateaus and hills in the Thrace passage. The livelihood of the district's people is based on industry, agriculture and dairy farming.

Linden, larch, red pine, oak, walnut and willow trees predominate in the region. In the arable lands of the region, barley, wheat, sunflower, cherry and watermelon are grown, as well as vegetables and dried legumes.

What You Need to Know After Buying a Covered Bus Ticket

with cover

In addition to its historical monuments and natural beauties, the district is in an important position that shows growth in industrial production and carries its breakthroughs to advanced levels. That's why we go to Kapaklı region

bus ticket

Beautiful excursion programs are organized with the colorful reflection of the industrial activities and vegetation that share its development.

At the same time, people can have fun by going to festivals in the region. Additionally, the district can be reached from Tekirdağ by numerous vehicles.

In addition, you can also go to Kapaklı with the shuttles offered by bus companies from Tekirdağ and surrounding districts at certain hours.

5 Reasons to Visit Kapaklı

  • You can visit the historical ruins in the district to research and examine their time period.
  • It can be preferred to explore the natural beauties, vegetation and recreation areas of the region.
  • It can be visited to participate in different events held throughout the district.
  • You can go there to do various activities in the borders and forest areas of the region.
  • It can be preferred to make convenient purchases from the industry established in the region.
  • Places to Visit in Kapaklı

    Kapaklı, which is connected to Çerkezköy, the center and old settlement of Tekirdağ, was separated as a district with its trade practices and the development of the Organized Industrial Zone established on its borders.

    Although the construction of the Central Mosque and Yuvam Mosque in the region does not date back to ancient times, it is worth seeing. You can also have picnics etc. in the green area of Kazak Lake Recreation Area. events are organized.

    What to Eat in Kapaklı? What is it famous for?

    To have a fun time in Kapaklı district


    By taking it, you can go to the large industrial area and have the opportunity to shop, next to the unique vegetation. Following this, you should taste local delicacies Tekirdağ meatballs and kebabs.

    You should also definitely eat delicious grilled meatballs, leek pastry, akitma, kandilli manti, stuffed liver, priest's manca, borani with yoghurt, cheese and buffalo yoghurt.

    Bus Stations in Kapaklı

    Kapaklı Hotels
