Bus Tickets to Ortakoy

Information About Ortakoy

LAND AREA 752 km²
CITY Ακϲαραψ

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Ortakoy Bus Ticket

There are traces of the Hittite Civilization in the district. The district, which later came under the domination of the Phrygians, was later captured by the Byzantines. From these periods


Coins, terracotta pots and graves were found in and around it. Aksaray Ortaköy is Yunus Emre's hometown, the place where he was born, grew up and lived.

Today, Ortaköy district of Aksaray province is full of mausoleums. Since the name Yunus Emre is an important name for Turkish culture, Ortaköy is always performed this way. The economy of Ortaköy is based on agriculture and animal husbandry. The district has a high young population and birth rate. However, since there is no industrial development, unemployment is at an advanced level. Sheep and cattle breeding are effective in the economy of the district.

Ortakoy ticket

You can visit this place to your heart's content.

What You Need to Know After Buying a Ortaköy Bus Ticket

Ortakoy bus ticket

The most important detail to know after getting there is to set out towards the lands where Yunus Emre was born and raised. Afterwards, it is necessary to be ready to learn about the findings and ruins in Ortaköy, which has hosted more than one culture.

5 Reasons to Visit Ortaköy

  • Yunus Emre
  • Findings from more than one culture
  • Ihlara Valley
  • visiting hill
  • historical texture
  • Places to Visit in Ortakoy

    Following the excavations carried out in Ortaköy district, dates from the Old Bronze Age were revealed. Plus, it is known that the great Turkish thinker Yunus Emre has a mausoleum on the Çözüm Hill in Ortaköy, where he was born and raised. For this reason, Reşadiye Village is known as a visiting hill by local and foreign tourists.

    What to Eat in Ortaköy? What is it famous for?

    Local dishes in the districts within the borders of Aksaray province include okra soup, stuffed quince, loquat kebab, and sherbet pita. Pastries are widely consumed in the district. Among these, kombe, water pastry, and hair pastry take the lead. Meat dishes are always up to date. Roasting, stew and tas kebab are always at the forefront. For dessert, flour halva, grape compote and kadayıf are the priorities.

    Bus Stations in Ortakoy

    Ortaköy (Aksaray) Bus Stationı 68400 Ortaköy/Aksaray

    Carriers That Have Ceased to Operate Based on Ortakoy
