Bus Tickets to Narman

Information About Narman

LAND AREA 799 km²
CITY Erzurum

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Narman Bus Ticket

Narman, also known as the Lovers-making district of Erzurum, stands out by hosting thousands of local and foreign tourists every year, especially with its unique natural beauties, despite having a small population. It has a temperate climate because it is located among high mountains. One of the most important poets of the district is Aşık Sümmani.

Narman bus ticket

You can easily reach the district located at the intersection of the Eastern Black Sea and Eastern Anatolia. At this point, you can also benefit from companies such as Metro Turizm, Bizim Iğdır Turizm, Aras Turizm.

Places to Visit in NormanNorman bus companies

You can witness history in the district you come to with your journey.

Narman Five Lakes:
  • As its name suggests, this place, also called Lakes Region, offers a very fascinating view.
  • Narman Canyon:
  • It contains a magnificent natural beauty where you can come across many different types of animals.
  • Fairy Chimneys:
  • Fairy chimneys, which are redder in color and spread over a larger area than the fairy chimneys in Ürgüp, are considered an important place for both enthusiasts and geologists in terms of their natural formations.
  • Ethem Baba Tomb:
  • The religious center, built using cut stone, fascinates.
  • What to Eat in Norman?Narman bus services

    You can taste Erzurum local dishes in the district you arrive at.

    Cağ Kebab:
  • The first thing that comes to mind when Erzurum is mentioned is food, and you should try it with its unique taste from Narman.
  • Ayran Vaccine:
  • You can't get enough of this extremely light, stomach-friendly soup.
  • Water Pastry:
  • Narman is the right address to try another special taste of Erzurum, su börek.
  • Chiriş Beetroot:
  • A delicious vegetable dish originating from a wild plant.
  • Where to Stay in Norman?

    You can stay in various hostels and hotels in Narman district.

    Narman bus ticket prices

    and hotel prices stand out because they are suitable for most budgets. Finally, since there is no airport in the district

    Erzurum flights

    You should first visit Erzurum province.

    Erzurum flight prices

    It can generally vary depending on your place of departure.

    Erzurum is one of the largest cities in Eastern Anatolia. Both its high population and its higher level of development compared to other provinces make this city even more attractive for visitors. Narman district of Erzurum is one of the other 21 districts.

    This district, part of which is in the Black Sea and part of which is in Eastern Anatolia, is famous for its mountainous areas, canyons and fairy chimneys. The district, which has hosted many civilizations, has absorbed their culture and also has many historical ruins. It is a district worth seeing with its natural beauties and local delicacies.

    What You Need to Know After Buying a Bus Ticket to Narman

    Narman bus ticket

    As someone who has taken it, you should know that it is a beautiful journey and at the end of this journey, you will encounter a city that will amaze you in every sense. Everyone who comes here should experience the pleasure of climbing Palandöken Mountain and skiing, especially in winter.

    If you say you cannot leave this Anatolian city, which is also famous for its food, without eating meat, your first choice should be the famous Erzurum Cağ kebab. You should definitely see the handicrafts made with Oltu stone in this city, which is known for its handicrafts as well as its historical and cultural features.

    5 Reasons to Visit Norman

  • Fairy Chimneys
  • Narman Canyon
  • Tomb of Ethem Baba
  • Palandöken
  • Cag Kebab
  • Places to Visit in Norman

    The main places to see in this district, which contains many historical beauties and formations from the Ottoman period, are the Fairy Chimneys, the Narman Canyon, which dates back many years, and the Ethem Baba Tomb.

    You can observe natural life and see many animal species in Narman, which is a town worth seeing with its natural beauties and local delicacies. When you buy a Narman ticket, it will be beneficial for you to learn about its history.

    What to Eat and What is Famous in Narman?

    As in every city and district in Anatolia, you can eat many kinds of food here and try flavors that will remain on your palate. In this city where animal foods such as meat, milk and cheese are widely consumed, it has always been possible to find the best of such foods.

    To this day, no one has returned from Erzurum without eating Cağ kebab. You can also taste local flavors in this beautiful city.

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