Bus Tickets to Uzumlu

Information About Uzumlu

LAND AREA 591 km²
CITY Ерзинджан

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Uzumlu Bus Ticket

The population of Üzümlü district, which is affiliated with Erzincan province, is around 14 thousand. The district, which has a high altitude, has 224 villages. The district, which hosts many historical buildings, thus welcomes many visitors.

Uzumlu bus ticket

Visitors who are getting ready to pick up their vehicles and set off are first welcomed by the bus station when they arrive in the district. You can find many artifacts from the Urartian period in this district. You can easily go from one place to another with the minibus and bus lines operating in Üzümlü. Metro Turizm and Ulusoy Turizm are preferred to go to the region. You can also visit the region through these companies.

Places to Visit in ÜzümlüUzumlu bus companies

You can come across many historical buildings in the district you come to through. The places you need to know before going are listed as follows:

Altıntepe Castle:
  • You can experience history to your core in this castle, which dates back to the Urartian period.
  • Ekşisu Recreation Area:
  • You can enjoy nature with a quiet picnic with your loved ones.
  • Şeyh Karpuz Cave:
  • You can go on a historical journey inside this cave that fascinates visitors.
  • What to Eat in Üzümlü?

    As its name suggests, Üzümlü district, which stands out with its grapes, offers its visitors different tastes:

    Cimin's Grape:
  • Cimin Grapes, the old name of the district, are among the delicacies that must be tasted.
  • Erzincan Tulum Cheese:
  • You can taste the unique cheese of Erzincan in this district.
  • Erzincan Honey:
  • You can also find Erzincan honey, one of the unique honeys of the East, here.
  • Moreover

    Uzumlu bus services

    You can go to many places in the city center and have the opportunity to eat delicacies on site.

    Uzumlu bus ticket prices

    You won't have a hard time with your budget.

    Where to Stay in Üzümlü?

    There are hostels and boutique hotels where you can stay in Üzümlü. You can choose a hotel according to your preference and arrange your accommodation. Moreover

    Flight tickets to Erzincan

    You can also reach the district via Erzincan.

    Erzincan flights

    It can only be done via Erzincan.

    Located within the borders of Çukurca, the central district of Hakkari.

    with grapes

    The sub-district is one of the charming spots located 52 km away. The district, which is in the southern border area of the Eastern Anatolia region, has the real relics of noble settlements with its mountainous location.

    The district, which provides the mainstay of the economy as agriculture and animal husbandry are its main occupations, is located on fertile lands with its continental climate. Therefore, the district that is on the road route where travel agencies travel to and from

    bus ticket

    Comfortable transportation is provided.

    What You Need to Know After Buying a Üzümlü Bus Ticket

    The town of Üzümlü, which is the border point, is in a valuable position that preserves all its beauties with its historical riches and sympathetic movements. The different ambience corners and natural reflections of the region offer an important balance in all kinds of travels.

    Following this, festival promotions and visual entertainment preparations of the region are carried out with impressive presentations of solidarity cultures and environmental trends. Magnificent days and moments are witnessed in Üzümlü district, which can be easily reached from Hakkari city center with travel companies.

    5 Reasons to Visit Üzümlü

  • The historical values of the district are unique with the works telling about the past.
  • Perfect landscapes are shaped by the local textures of natural beauties.
  • The district's event presentations are enthusiastic as a symbol of togetherness.
  • It is one of the regions that values the magnificent architectures of its nearby areas.
  • Ticket
  • The district taken is generally located in the local cultivation areas of inverted tulips.
  • Places to Visit in Üzümlü

    Üzümlü, one of the small districts of Hakkari, has the textural privileges of special cities with its unique architecture and vegetation. It is an excellent place worth seeing with the Üzümlü Mosque, located within the borders of the district, a recreation area in the forest, fountains shaped like monuments of beauty, Üzümlü Memorial Garden and natural beauties.

    What to Eat in Üzümlü? What is it famous for?

    Integrated with the cuisine of Hakkari, which is dominated by the important presentations of the district of Üzlü, Köftesir and Aside dessert are legendary tastes. You should also definitely try Doğaba, cevirmali pilaf, beam, finger kebab among its famous tastes.

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