Bus Tickets to Patnos

Information About Patnos

LAND AREA 1,394 km²

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Patnos Bus Ticket

Patnos is one of the districts of Ağrı. It is home to many natural beauties that must be seen. Those who want to explore these beauties can buy Patnos bus tickets on obilet.com.

Patnos bus services are organized by a small number of companies. You can usually travel with local companies. You can see all of these companies in detail and make comparisons between them on Obilet.com. In this way, you can buy your Patnos bus ticket from the company that suits you.

Where to visit in Patnos?

There are many historical places you should see in Patnos. This district, located at the foot of Süphan Mountain, is a mountainous and stony region. Therefore, it is not an ideal place for those who like to spend time in nature.

You should definitely see the ruins on the Aznavur and Girik hills, dating back to the Urartu period. Aznavur Tepe is also called Patnos Castle. There are ruins of palaces, temples and buildings from the Urartians. You can also see various tombstones, temples, castles and city walls ruins in this ruined ancient city.

Girik Hill is called Değirmentepe. The structures here were also damaged. There are palace ruins, city walls and monumental building ruins. Excavations were carried out in both ancient cities and the valuable ruins found were sent to Erzurum and Van to be exhibited in museums.

You can wander around the center of Patnos and visit its bazaar; You can buy local items here. It can be a good gift for both yourself and your loved ones.

What to eat in Patnos?

In Patnos, you will encounter a cuisine that generally consists of dishes made with meat and legumes.

Among the most popular and must-try local delicacies: There are dishes such as keledosh, helise, hengel, arksavk, jajerun, hekerun, gışal, lakşil poor people's food. Each of them are flavors unique to this region.

Where to stay in Patnos?

Since Patnos is a small settlement, accommodation opportunities are limited. However, the existing ones are suitable for every budget and meet the possibilities. You can choose hotels, hostels and teacher training centers.

Patnos is a place especially loved by people who enjoy visiting historical buildings and ruins. If you are one of them, you can buy a Patnos bus ticket on obilet.com and hit the road.


It is one of the 7 districts of Ağrı province and is the densest district in terms of population. Since its history dates back to ancient times, it has many more features. Finding traces from many civilizations was enough to take Patnos one step further.

The majesty of Süphan Mountain in Patnos district is different. Historically, Anzavur hill can be considered as Girik hill. It has an important place for the province of Ağrı both in terms of nature and history. The people of Patnos are generally interested in animal husbandry and agriculture.

What You Need to Know After Buying a Bus Ticket to Patnos

It is obvious that with a bus ticket purchased to go to Patnos, you will not encounter a developed district in the first place. However, the natural beauties are so fascinating to see that you will not regret the visit at all. There are many historical places in Patnos. Since the district is a mountainous and stony region, the ruins must be seen. It can be said that palaces, temples and building ruins can be found almost everywhere.

5 Reasons to Visit Patnos

  • Mount Ararat
  • Anzavur hill and Girik hill in terms of historical ruins
  • Suphan mountain
  • Carrying the traces of many civilizations
  • People depicted as warm-blooded people in a cold country.
  • Places to Visit in Patnos

    It would be a mistake to set foot in Ağrı and not get carried away by the legend of Mount Ararat. This beauty must definitely be discovered. Afterwards, Anzavur hill and Girik hill are among the visible places in Patnos. Patnos Castle is a place from the Urartians. Remains of some buildings were found. On the Girik hill, many ornaments belonging to the Urartians were found.

    What to Eat in Patnos? What is it famous for?

    Food in Patnos focuses on meat and legumes. Local delicacies; Keledos, Helise, Xengel, Jajerun, whose names are quite foreign. The dish called Keledosh is a dish prepared with meat and lentils. The dish called Xengel is a kind of ravioli dish that is the daily meal of the people of Patnos.

    Bus Stations in Patnos

    Patnos Bus Stationı Atatürk, İpek Yolu Cd., 04500 Patnos/Ağrı
    Patnos Otogar Atatürk, Patnos Otogar, 04500 Patnos/Ağrı, Türkiye

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