Bus Tickets to Sarioglan

Information About Sarioglan

LAND AREA 642 km²
CITY Kayseri

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Sarioglan Bus Ticket

Located in the north of Kayseri city center and approximately 62 kilometers away from the center, Sarıoğlan hosted many principalities in ancient times. In this respect, Sarıoğlan, which is very rich with its historical and natural beauties, is welcomed with great interest by visitors.

To your journey

Sarıoğlan bus ticket

If you go to Istanbul, your last stop will probably be Kayseri City Center. You can reach here

Sarıoğlan bus companies

Among them are Süha, Ede Turizm, Metro Turizm and Kamil Koç.

Sarıoğlan bus ticket prices

to suit every budget.

Places to Visit in Sarıoğlan

To come to Sarıoğlan

Kayseri flight tickets

You need to get it.

Kayseri flights

There are many places you can visit after arriving in the region. There are many alternatives you can visit in Sarıoğlan district, which is known to be very rich in terms of historical and natural beauties. Highlights among the options:

Shahruh Bridge:
  • It is still unknown when and by whom this bridge, which is at the entrance of Karagözü village and crosses Kızılırmak, was built.
  • Tuzla Lake:
  • Located on the road known as the Silk Road in history, Tuzla Lake has many other historical buildings around it.
  • Sarıoğlan bus services
  • This lake, which is very easy to reach, attracts the attention of many visitors.
  • What to Eat in Sarıoğlan?

    Among the flavors you can experience in Sarıoğlan, where you can taste many famous flavors of Kayseri, are the following;

    Yogurt Dessert:
  • This dessert, made with a dough with a high percentage of yoghurt, is among the indispensable tastes of people living in Kayseri.
  • Gold Pouch:
  • This dessert, which has a cocoa flavor, is among the things you must experience during your visit to Kayseri.
  • Where to Stay in Sarıoğlan?

    When it comes to accommodation, Sarıoğlan; boutique, concept hotels and hostels come to the fore.

    Sarıoğlan bus ticket prices

    Accommodation fees also have a wide range. This provides convenience for visitors of all budgets.

    Sarıoğlan district, which is known to be an old settlement, is home to many historical artifacts. Immigrants of Balkan origin have been living in Sarıoğlan district, which is among the districts of Kayseri province, which is known as a province rich in social, cultural and economic structure, since the Republic period.

    The fact that transportation is generally done via railway shows that it is a sufficient means of transportation for the people living in the district. As a source of income, 80% of the district's people meet their needs through agriculture. The milk collection center established in the district contributes greatly to the economy.

    What You Need to Know After Buying a Sarıoğlan Bus Ticket

    The bus ticket purchased to reach Sarıoğlan district is in the name of Kayseri province, and the minibuses departing from Kayseri bus station or the train departing from Kayseri station head towards Sarıoğlan district, which is 61 KM away.

    The fact that this transportation is so difficult is among the things you should know before setting off.

    5 Reasons to Visit Sarıoğlan

    Among the reasons needed to visit Sarıoğlan district, located in the province of Kayseri, which has a magnificent view;

  • There are many historical values worth seeing in the district,
  • There are many historical ruins that have survived from the past to the present day,
  • Having the opportunity to encounter many different cultures in the district,
  • There are places worth seeing,
  • There are reasons such as being 61 km away from Kayseri.
  • Places to Visit in Sarıoğlan

    There are many places to visit in Sarıoğlan district, both in historical areas and in terms of natural beauties. Tuzla Palas Lake, located in the historical area of the Shahruh Bridge, within the Palas plain, is among the natural beauties worth seeing. This lake, which has a white beauty, has a very interesting appearance.

    What to Eat in Sarıoğlan? What is it famous for?

    As a result of the transportation provided after purchasing the ticket to Sarıoğlan district by rail, you have to taste the wonderful local dishes of the district. Among the local dishes, dishes such as Çemenli Bread, Stuffed Leaves with Ayvalı Tahini, Knotlu Dessert, Yogurt Dessert, and Golden Purse are among the must-try dishes.

    Bus Stations in Sarioglan

    Popular Bus Trips Arriving At Sarioglan

    * The ticket prices shown are the most affordable prices of the tickets purchased at obilet within the last 7 days. Please inquire the current ticket prices from above