Bus Tickets from Rio de Janeiro to Campina Grande

Other Transportation Options from Rio de Janeiro to Campina Grande

Bus Journeys from Rio de Janeiro to Campina Grande

Cheapest Trip on obilet
€ 120.00
Number of Trips Per Day
The Most Favorable Price
Rio de Janeiro - Campina Grande Duration
1d 23hr 37min
The Highest Number of Trips
Average Price
€ 4,661.00

Cheap Buses to Rio de Janeiro - Campina Grande

  • Itapemirim 2
    Rio de Janeiro
    Terminal Rodoviário Novo Rio
    Campina Grande
    Avenida Prefeito Severino Bezerra Cabral, 1017
    € 147.00
  • Expresso Guanabara
    Rio de Janeiro
    Terminal Rodoviário Novo Rio
    Campina Grande
    Avenida Prefeito Severino Bezerra Cabral, 1017
    € 120.00
Click to see on the map.

Carriers Operating Between Rio de Janeiro - Campina Grande

The Most Popular Bus Trips Departing from Rio de Janeiro

* The ticket prices shown are the most affordable prices of the tickets purchased at obilet within the last 7 days. Please inquire the current ticket prices from above

Frequently Asked Questions
