Bus Tickets to Askale

Information About Askale

LAND AREA 1,507 km²

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Askale Bus Ticket

Aşkale is one of the important districts of Erzurum. Although most of the historical monuments have been damaged, it is recommended that you visit here when you come to Erzurum. You can purchase Aşkale bus tickets via Obilet.com.

Aşkale bus services are provided only by local companies. You can see all of these companies on obilet.com. You can make price and feature comparisons between companies. Thus, you can choose the company that suits you best and buy your Aşkale bus ticket.

Where to visit in Aşkale?

There are few places to visit in this district, which is located in a mountainous region. It is generally an area where factories and military units are located.

First, you can go to Cinsi Höyük, located in Ortabahçe town. This region, which has been declared a protected area, is thought to have been inhabited even in the Bronze Age. It is one of the archaeological excavation areas.

As Aşkale Castle was destroyed, very few ruins remain. If you wish, you can see them.

Evrenlik Tomb, located opposite Evrenli Village and made of cut stones, is also among the must-see structures. It is not known by whom and when it was built.

Ağveyis Inn is a special building dating from the period of Yavuz Sultan Selim. But it was destroyed after a fire and started to be used as a haystack. If you wish, you can see it like this.

Hacıbekir Caravanserai is an important building dating from the Byzantines.

Ziravank Ruins are the remains of a building from the Roman-Byzantine periods. There are ruins of mosques, churches, monasteries, baths, caravanserais and inns.

Kop Martyrs' Monument, located on the ridge of Kop Mountain, is also a special and important place that you should visit. It was built in memory of the martyrs of World War I.

What to eat in Aşkale?

The special flavor you should try within the borders of Erzurum is cağ kebab. You should also definitely try local dishes such as den soup and hıngel, and the dessert of stuffed burma kadayıf.

Where to stay in Aşkale?

Since Aşkale is a small settlement, there are few accommodation options. A few small hotels and teacher training centers are the facilities you can choose to stay in.

If you go to Erzurum, you can take a short tour in Aşkale. If you spare 1-2 days, you can visit the entire region. You can buy your Aşkale bus ticket via Obilet.com and start planning your trip.

Due to its location, it is at the intersection of many roads.


The district was connected to Erzurum province in 1923. This district, which is on the historical silk road, also has a railway. You can go to many city centers by purchasing a bus ticket.

It was put into service in 1939. It is 52 km away from Erzurum city center. Our army under the command of Kazim Karabekir saves the people of Aşkale, who were subjected to great troubles by the Armenians, and they ensure that the Armenians are expelled from the region.

This district, where a continental climate prevails, is in a mountainous region. Winters are long and cold. In addition, there are not many historical places left in the district, which is located in the first earthquake zone. The last earthquake was experienced in 2004.

The region is rich in underground resources and has abundant lignite and chrome deposits.

Things You Need to Know After Buying Aşkale Bus Ticket

Ashkale ticket

When you get there, you need to know that you are going to a district that is cold but whose people warm you up. It should also be known that it is very rich in terms of places to visit.

5 Reasons to Visit Aşkale

  • Seeing Aşkale Castle
  • Seeing the Cinis mounds
  • Seeing the cosmic tomb made of cut stones
  • Visiting the Kop martyrs' monument
  • See the ruins of Ziravank, which are the ruins of the city from the ancient period
  • Places to Visit in Aşkale

    Although the history of Aşkale district, which was invaded by many nations and changed hands 35 times, is very old, not many traces have survived due to the invasions and the fact that it is on the 1st earthquake zone. Kop Martyrs' Monument, which contains traces of recent history, is an important place that Turkish people should visit.

    Cinis mound, which is said to have been the first settlement dating back to the Bronze Age, Aşkale Castle, which was the first settlement of the people in the region, the cosmos tomb made of cut stones, Ağveyis Inn, Hacıbekir caravanserai built by the Byzantines, and Ziravank ruins, which are city ruins from the ancient period, are among the places to visit.

    What to Eat in Aşkale? What is it famous for?


    If you want to taste local delicacies while you are in the district, you should especially eat the cag kebab. Den soup and Hıngel, a type of manti, are also famous dishes.

    Bus Stations in Askale

    Carriers That Have Ceased to Operate Based on Askale
