Bus Tickets to Ulus

Information About Ulus

LAND AREA 909 km²

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Ulus Bus Ticket

to Bartın



The district is located 62 km away. In addition to being surrounded by mountains, the district is located at the intersection of many streams.

Since the region is mostly forested, the main sources of income are lumbering, tourism, animal husbandry and agricultural products.

Being located in an area rich with district springs, it also keeps tourism activities alive. In addition, there are wild animals such as deer and roe deer in the forests of the district.

What You Need to Know After Buying a Ulus Bus Ticket

Ulus bus ticket

After purchasing, you should research all the information you need to know about the historical areas in the region or the district.

Following this, historical places in the region should be visited and activities in the district should be attended.

Also with the help of many vehicles from Bartın


Transportation to the region is provided.

In addition, bus companies also have shuttles to Ulus district at regular hours.

5 Reasons to Visit Ulus

  • It can be preferred for sporting activities in the plateaus of the district, which dominates every shade of green.
  • It can also be visited for wonderful visuals of natural beauties.
  • You can visit the forests to examine the wild animals in their natural areas.
  • Transportation is available to see the historical areas in the district or the historical areas in the immediate surroundings.
  • You can visit the tea banks within the borders of the region to have nice moments.
  • Places to Visit in Ulus


    The streams intersect on the valley where it is located and offer a magnificent view.


    It reflects all the beauties of nature.

    Although there are not many historical sites in the region, it is frequently visited for its nature.

    Uluyayla, 27 km away from the district, is home to colorful vegetation and wild animals.

    Ulukaya Waterfall flows through the rocks with its magnificent visuals.

    Ardıç Plateau and Gezen Plateau are other natural beauties located within the district borders.

    What to Eat in Ulus? What is it famous for?

    ticket to Ulus

    After purchasing it, you can get lost in unique nature visuals.

    You should definitely try one of the dishes of the district that suits your taste.

    In the district, which is identified with Bartın cuisine, you can taste dishes such as alum meatballs, mancar with yoghurt, zarbana dessert, halişka, and corn soup with meat.

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