Bus Tickets to Ovacik

Information About Ovacik

LAND AREA 398 km²

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Ovacik Bus Ticket

Ovacık Village, located in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey, is located in Yapraklı district of Çankırı province. This village, which is approximately 60 km away from the city center, draws attention with its plain location.

If you want to see and visit the plain location of this village, your first stop is the bus station. Because there is no airport in the province. If you are fond of your comfort

Ovacik bus companies

You can choose one of the companies such as Çağdaş Güven, which is comfortable and comfortable within its scope, and after reaching Çankırı bus terminal, you can choose the active lines to reach the district.

Places to Visit in Ovacık

After reaching Ovacık Village in Yapraklı district of Çankırı province by bus, do not leave without visiting these places:

Çankırı Clock Tower:
  • This clock tower, which is likened to the clock tower in Switzerland, is still working even though it was built during the reign of Abdulhamid II. And it attracts attention with its magnificent appearance. To see this watch too
  • Ovacik bus schedules
  • You can easily reach this place via .
  • What to Eat in Ovacık?Ovacikbus ticket

    Never return to Ovacık Village without tasting the following local delicacies:

    Ash Bun:
  • This bun, which is special to Çankırı, is very simple to make. This bun, which tastes incredibly delicious, is often preferred with tea and many other drinks.
  • Toyga Soup:
  • This soup, which belongs to Turkish cuisine, is among the excellent flavors of Çankırı. Bulgur is pounded and made without its shell, making it both healthy and nutritious.
  • Where to Stay in Ovacik?

    if you want

    Ovacik bus ticket prices

    You can do a short research within this scope. Because in terms of accommodation, hotel services are almost at the same level. After a short research, you usually come across hostel-style hotels as accommodation in the village. It is possible to stay in the village by choosing one of these hotels.


    The village is in the Silifke district of Mersin province. It has a settlement built on a plateau. There are more than 400 households. The summer and winter populations of the village vary. The summer population of the village reaches 1500.

    The main source of income of the village is agriculture and animal husbandry. Most grain production is available. In addition to products such as wheat, barley, rye, lentils, rice and chickpeas, vegetables and fruits are also produced. The climate type of the village is Mediterranean climate. There is no health institution in the village, but there is a primary school building.

    There is a place of worship and a village chamber in Ovacık village. The village room is used both to accommodate those who come to visit the village and do not have a place to sleep, as well as to socialize with the villagers and celebrate special days and nights.

    What You Need to Know After Buying a Bus Ticket to Ovacık

    Those who buy bus tickets to Ovacık village are curious about the accommodation conditions. When you come to the village, you can either use the village room or choose the hotels and hostels in the town center to stay. Another point that ticket buyers are curious about is the weather. Since the Mediterranean climate is effective, it is mild in all seasons and does not have harsh cold.

    5 Reasons to Visit Ovacik
  • You can visit the cute and beautiful village of Mersin to see and get to know it.
  • You can visit Mersin region to see its characteristics, local food, accent and natural beauties.
  • You can visit to see the natural formations of heaven and hell.
  • You can come to visit the caves in the region.
  • You can visit to buy fresh fruits, vegetables, almonds, watermelons and melons.
  • in OvacikPlaces to visit

    When you come to the Ovacık village area, you can visit places such as Astım Cave, Heaven and Hell collapses, Central Mosque and Narlıkuyu.

    What to Eat in Ovacık? What is it famous for?

    When you come to Ovacık village, you can eat tantuni, kerebiç, batik, mamul, kebab, lakevez, squeeze, cezerye, karsambaç. Ovacık village is especially famous for its olives and almonds.

    Bus Stations in Ovacik

    Operating Carriers Based in Ovacik
