Bus Tickets to Kozluca

Information About Kozluca

CITY Isparta

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Kozluca Bus Ticket

Kozluca is a place that reflects the beauties of nature and has village status. Kozluca, located in the Keçiborlu district of Isparta, draws attention as a characteristic region with its culture and eating and drinking habits.

To travel to this village of Isparta

Kozluca bus ticket

you can buy it. At the end of your journey, you can reach the district bus station. It gives you the opportunity to travel to the region and Isparta city center.

Kozluca bus companies

Among these, Isparta Petrol Turizm manages to stand out.

Places to Visit in KozlucaKozluca bus schedules

Thanks to this, there are locations that you can visit and have pleasant moments after reaching the region.

  • Sinan Bey Mosque is a building that is among the historical buildings of the region and is still open for worship. Unfortunately, it is not known who built the mosque.
  • Güvercinlik Cave is 65 meters long and extremely rich in drip stones. In addition, the interior of the cave is divided by stalagmites, stalactites and columns.
  • Lavender fields are located in Kuyucak Village, a village close to Kozluca. This region, where most lavender in Turkey is produced, is also known as the lavender-scented village.
  • What to Eat in Kozluca?

    Kozluca and its region do not hesitate to offer unique flavors to their guests.

    Kozluca bus prices

    Flavors you can taste after learning about it:

  • Turnip vaccine is made by peeling turnips. Turnips, peeled like potatoes, are roasted with oil, onion and minced meat. Finally, it is cooked with black-eyed peas that were soaked the day before.
  • Tatar manti is extremely famous in Kozluca, as well as in Isparta. Additionally, Tartar Ravioli is served with butter and yoghurt.
  • Dirgit, which is generally preferred in winter months, is known as a food rich in protein and carbohydrates.
  • Where to Stay in Kozluca?

    Apart from its unique flavors and beautiful places to visit, Kozluca offers accommodation alternatives suitable for every need. In this context; There are options such as boutique hotel, apart hotel, village house and rental house. You can choose the one that suits you among the alternatives and make your reservation.

    Also for transportation

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    Just provide it.

    Located in the land of Keçiborlu, which is connected to Isparta.


    Although the plain is 20 km away, it is in the location where rose buds are grown. While improving the economic efficiency of its small land, the district, located in the Mediterranean region, has a sloping soil form and is making progress in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry.

    At the same time, the district, which is on the crossroads, offers comfort in transportation with the scent of budding roses and the mild climate effect, as well as being around lake deposits.

    What You Need to Know After Buying a Kozluca Bus Ticket

    Kozluca district has a beauty that covers the strong cultural reflections of the old settlements and extraordinary functionalities with its nature. Its central area is known as the gateway of flowers, and its spacious appearance and architectural ruins greatly increase travel opportunities.

    For this purpose, event opportunities are combined with quality visuals and melodies and special symphonies are impressive. For this reason


    You can have a great time in Kozluca, which is visited with Isparta tour companies.

    5 Reasons to Visit Kozluca

  • The rose vineyards of the region are of extraordinary appearance, attracting attention.
  • The historical values of the town center are magnificent.
  • Event shows are presented with creative arrangements.
  • It has a colorful and lively ambience with its nature and architectures.
  • The lavender visuals of the vegetation are quite nice with excellent cartoon lines.
  • Places to Visit in Kozluca

    Kozluca, one of the rare regions of Isparta, has an energizing structure with its architecture and natural privileges. The district, which is the apple of the eye of rose and lavender cities, is full of beauties that dominate many activity areas and lead to unique journeys, thanks to its fascinating textures.

    Moreover, the lake passing through the district provides harmony to the central region, and the visuality of its plateaus, monuments and mosques allow many discoveries to be made.

    What to Eat in Kozluca? What is it famous for?

    As in every stopping point of Isparta, Kozluca sub-district offers unique tastes such as curd gullaci and rose delight among the culinary cultures that are maintained with great importance.

    Bus ticket

    You should buy it and eat the delicious kebabs of the region, banak, partridge soup, bazdırma and rose-flavored delicacies.

    Bus Stations in Kozluca

    Operating Carriers Based in Kozluca

    Carriers That Have Ceased to Operate Based on Kozluca

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