Bus Tickets to Rizekent

Information About Rizekent

CITY Erzurum

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Rizekent Bus Ticket

Located approximately 14 km away from the center of Erzurum, Rizekent is a neighborhood in the Aziziye district.

Rizekent bus prices

You can visit this region by looking and buying your ticket. It is seen as a productive region because there are streams such as Karasu and Pulur around it.

Rizekent bus ticket

You can take it and travel to this region.

Rizekent bus companies

A few of these are Palandöken, Esadaş and Iğdır Turizm.

Places to See in RizekentBalıklı Göl: Erzurum flight ticket
  • It is among the places you can visit after you buy it. It contains many fish. It is 12 km away from the city center.
  • Aziziye Bastion:
  • Aziziye Bastion is being built to ensure the security of the road on it during the Ottoman-Russian War (War of 93).
  • Aziziye Thermal Springs:
  • Aziziye Thermal Springs ranks first in terms of thermal water resources in the region.
  • What to Eat in Rizekent?Rizekent bus services
  • One of the first dishes you can eat when you come to this region is Erzurum's famous ashotot soup.
  • Erzurum's most well-known dish, cağ kebab, is also one of the dishes that should be tried.
  • When you come to Rizekent, which hosts wonderful local dishes, it is recommended to try stuffed kadayıf.
  • Where to Stay in Rizekent?


    Erzurum flights

    It is very easy to reach the region after arriving with any of the following. You can stay in an apart hotel or hostel according to your wishes. You can find the place you want to stay online and reserve a place. If you want, star hotels are also located in the city center.


    The village is a village in the Aziziye district of Erzurum. Although there is no health center in Rizekent village, there is a health house. There is also a primary school in the village to ensure that children can receive uninterrupted education.

    Although it is quite difficult to do agriculture in the village built on the valley, the region is ideal for animal husbandry. Both sheep and cattle care and marketing is carried out. Located in a lush green valley, the village is also very rich in terms of rainfall.

    What You Need to Know After Buying a Bus Ticket to Rizekent

    When you go to Rizekent, you need to check the weather forecast. In this way, you can take appropriate clothes with you. Additionally, arranging your accommodation in advance will help you save time. You can also draw a route by determining the points to visit and organize a sightseeing tour in a more professional way. You can enjoy the region by paying attention to these details.

    5 Reasons to Visit Rizekent

  • Rizekent is built on a valley and has a lush nature. You can come here and enjoy the wonderful nature.
  • You can come to visit the historical places in the region.
  • You can come to accompany the festivities and events held by Rizekent villagers.
  • If you miss nature, silence and abundant oxygen, you can come to the region, set up camp and enjoy nature by the campfire.
  • You can have the opportunity to get to know different plants by coming to the village where various herbs and plants coexist.
  • Places to Visit in Rizekent

    Rizekent, with its nature, is a village that should be seen and visited on its own. You can also visit the Zakir Gündüz Charity when you come to the village.

    What to Eat in Rizekent? What is it famous for?

    When you come to Rizekent village, you should definitely eat aşotu soup, cağ kebab from Erzurum region, and stuffed kadayıf. At the same time, lalanga, stuffed turnips made from dough, is also famous. Rizekent is a place famous for its unique natural features and wonderful local dishes.

    Bus Stations in Rizekent

    Carriers That Have Ceased to Operate Based on Rizekent
