Bus Tickets to Cekerek

Information About Cekerek

LAND AREA 790 km²
CITY Yozgat

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Cekerek Bus Ticket

Çekerek is one of the special districts of Yozgat. It is a place worth seeing with its several historical buildings. To find a bus ticket by pulling, you can buy a bus ticket on obilet.com.

Pullek bus services are mostly provided by locally based travel companies. You can compare prices and features between these companies, choose the company that suits you and buy your bus ticket by pulling.

Where to visit in Çekerek?

There is a structure that makes Çekerek special and is told through rumors: Kızlar Kayası. It is a structure located in the same region as the Çekerek River and Süreyya Bey Dam. You can reach Kızlar Kayası, which is located where the water cistern and a sharp rock descend to the river, by going down. This structure is the only and sufficient reason to come to Çekerek. You should also definitely see the park called Şato, located right across from Kızlar Kayası.

What to eat in Çekerek?

You should definitely try local delicacies such as Yozgat pastry, helle, gebol, araşı, fig sleep, çullama, yeast bazlama, pezzik tzatziki, bulgur pilaf, desti kebab, Yerköy soup with potatoes and bezdirme.

Where to stay in Çekerek?

It is a place where you can go for a day trip by towing. There is no accommodation available.

You should definitely see Çekerek for the Kızlar Rock, which fascinates people with its rumors. You can buy bus tickets via Obilet.com.


affiliated with the province


The district is located 114 km away. Located in Central Anatolia, the district is surrounded by mountains and plains and its territory is quite large. The livelihood of the district people is based on agricultural activities and animal husbandry.

Many vegetables and fruits are planted in the arable areas of the region and are traded in the markets of other districts. In addition, the district's land has a very special soil structure.

Things You Need to Know After Buying a Bus Ticket

Çekmek district is one of our extraordinary regions with its beautiful reflection of historical ruins and natural visuals. For this reason

pulling bus ticket

After its acquisition, exceptional travel memories begin to be accumulated with excitement, accompanied by its nature and historical texture.

Accordingly, even more impressive hours are spent by going to the entertainments celebrated within the district borders. In addition, transportation to the district is provided by many vehicles from Yozgat province and surrounding regions. In addition, the district can be easily reached by pulling the shuttles offered repeatedly by bus companies.

5 Reasons to Visit Çekmeköy

  • It can be visited to examine the historical buildings and nature visuals within the district borders.
  • You can go to the magnificent plains in its nature for sports practices.
  • It can be preferred among the valuable water springs in the region.
  • In addition to natural beauties, you can go there to do various activities or participate in trending activities.
  • It can be preferred for nature walks or picnics in the springs and plains around the region.
  • Places to Visit by Pulling

    It is one of the beautiful and precious districts of Yozgat, with the stories of its works and the magnificence of its nature. The Çekler Martyrs' Monument, Kızlar Rock and Çekmek River in the district are worth seeing.

    In addition, there is a building called the Castle within the district borders, and there are recreation areas and a cultural park within its land.

    What to Eat in Çekmek? What is it famous for?

    For Çek district


    You can spend a unique holiday in its perfect nature and among its storied works.

    Additionally, you should definitely try Yozgat pastry, which is unique to the region and a world of flavor. Following this, you should also try delicacies such as desti kebab, fig sleep, and yeast flatbread.

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