Bus Tickets to Can

Information About Can

LAND AREA 905 km²
CITY Çanakkale

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Can Bus Ticket

Another beautiful district of beautiful Çanakkale: Çan! This small place, located between Biga, Çanakkale and Edremit, is a place with an order within itself. To discover this little beauty, you can buy a Çan bus ticket on obilet.com.

Çan bus services are provided only by companies to the ground. You can view all local companies at the same time via Obilet.com; You can review the details. You can choose the company that suits you by comparing their features and prices. This way, you can buy your Çan bus ticket economically.

Where to visit in Çan?

It is thought that Çan is a place from the ancient city periods. It can be seen that Herodotus mentioned this place in his writings. This place was called Çan because animal bells were sold in the markets that have been held here for a long time.

Çan's hot springs are famous. If you come to Çanakkale, you should definitely come here and benefit from the hot springs. Çan Thermal Spring, which is in the center of the district; It is a place that is good for liver, intestinal, urinary and biliary tract disorders.

Çan-Tepeköy Thermal Spring is located at the foothills of Kazdağı. It is a special place that will rest both your soul and your body. This spa is also good for the problems of lumbar and neck hernia, arthritis, skin diseases, kidney stones and sand spilling.

What to eat in Çan?

You may come across classic Çanakkale cuisine flavors. However, if you have to take advantage of the open buffet system of the hotels you will stay in, you may encounter different types of food.

Where to stay in Çan?

Both of the thermal springs in Çan have accommodation facilities. You can stay in the healing you are looking for and the location you like. You can also stay in regions such as Biga and Çanakkale and come for a day trip.

Çan, the healing point of Çanakkale, is a great place for spa lovers. If you are one of the tourists who love hot springs, you can buy your ticket on obilet.com and set off.


Although there is no clear information about the establishment of the district, it is thought that it belongs to ancient times due to the ancient ruins found.

It became the district center in 1945. Çan is a perfect Republican district. It is thought that the name bell is known as bell because of the bells sold in the market established in the district, because people from the surrounding provinces and districts come to buy bells.

Çan district is a district rich in minerals. Ceramic factories have a significant place in the economy.

What You Need to Know After Buying a Bell Bus Ticket

bell bus ticket

Afterwards, what you need to know is that you are moving towards the beautiful district. Çan is a small, yet organized and charming town.

It is a district worth seeing, both for its natural beauties and historical beauties. It is worth buying a ticket to Çan just for the hot springs.


The hot spring is especially good for intestinal and urinary tract disorders.

Çan Thermal Spring, located at the foot of Mount Ida, is a place that makes a difference in terms of both body and soul rest.

5 Reasons to Visit Çan

  • Soothing the soul with natural beauties
  • Spiritual pleasure with its historical beauties
  • hot springs
  • Making a quality presentation with its history
  • It will be an ideal choice for those who want to experience the past history by experiencing the spirit of Çanakkale.
  • Places to Visit in Çan

    Places to visit in Çan

    Çan Thermal Spring leads the list. Bell and Tepeköy Thermal Spring is a good address for those seeking health.

    Mosques must be visited. Lovers' Fountain and ponds are among the places worth visiting.

    Since ponds are generally good for the human soul, guests or local people often prefer these areas.

    bell ticket

    When you get there, you can enjoy the view and the places to visit.

    What to Eat in Çan? What is it famous for?

    Although there is no special food for Çan, cheese dessert, meat and dairy products, tomatoes and peppers are also famous products within the borders of Çanakkale.

    Of course, the taste of the fish should be taken into consideration. Tarhana soup can be said as the local dish. Chicken Keşkek is usually found on every table.

    Bus Stations in Can

    Çan Bus Stationı İstiklal Mh. 17410 Çanakkale

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