Bus Tickets to Horsunlu

Information About Horsunlu

CITY Aydın

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Horsunlu Bus Ticket

Horsunlu is a neighborhood located in Kuyucak district of Aydın. There are also many social activity opportunities in the neighborhood. There are many bus lines providing transportation from Aydın Bus Terminal to Kuyucak district and Horsunlu. Likewise, to reach the center from the region, one can use one of the bus lines in the neighborhood.

Horsunlu bus companies

Among these, Didim Travel and CTS Tur stand out. Passengers who want to go to Horsunlu can easily reach the neighborhood by choosing any of these companies.

Places to Visit in Horsunlu

Places to visit in Horsunlu are listed as follows:

Mastaura Ancient City:
  • Although the ancient city is a small settlement, traces of its theater and necropolis can be seen.
  • Horsunlu bus schedules
  • It is possible to reach the ancient city this way.
  • Ancient City Ruins:
  • Since there are not many archaeological excavations, there are not many historical artifacts. However, it is known that the works found so far generally belong to the Roman period.
  • What to Eat in Horsunlu?

    The flavors you can taste in Horsunlu are listed as follows:

  • Keskek, which is made in different ways in different parts of the country, is made in Horsunlu in a regional way. Keşkek is frequently consumed especially on special occasions such as holidays and weddings.
  • Rounding:
  • Although it visually resembles manti, it is different from manti in terms of material and preparation. Yuvarlama is among the dishes frequently consumed on special occasions.
  • İlek:
  • It is known that Aydin was a pioneer in fig cultivation. The fruit, called ilek and known as the male of the fig, grows widely in the Kuyucak and Horsunlu regions. Especially tourists who love figs come here to taste these delicious fruits.
  • Horsunlu bus ticket
  • They definitely visit this district.
  • Where to Stay in Horsunlu?

    There are many boutique and apart hotels where you can stay in Horsunlu. If you want a comfortable stay in Horsunlu hotels,

    Horsunlu bus ticket prices

    You can look and make a reservation. If you want to reach the district by air,

    Aydin flight tickets

    You can take

    . Aydin flights

    After arriving in the city, you can easily reach the town and your hotel.

    from Horsun

    The neighborhood is 12 km away from Kuyucak district and 70 km away from Aydın province. Horsunlu neighborhood, which resembles a cute town in the Aegean region, is adorned with olive trees.

    In this village where olive cultivation is intense, olives are so much a part of life that even when people wish each other well, expressions like olive trees are used. The day of liberation from enemy occupation is September 4 and is celebrated with enthusiasm in Horsunlu on this date every year.

    What You Need to Know After Buying a Horsunlu Bus Ticket

    You should know that in Horsunlu, you are in a cute town of the Aegean Region and surrounded by olive trees.

    Bus ticket

    There are such beautiful rainbow views that appear after the rain, accompanied by the highway, which has a very beautiful view, that it is impossible not to be amazed.

    5 Reasons to Visit Horsunlu

  • Feeling the magic of olive trees
  • Enjoying the magnificent nature
  • Participating in the Kuyucak Camel Wrestling Festival
  • Eating the delicious local watermelon of Horsunlu
  • Visiting natural national parks around Kuyucak
  • Places to Visit in Horsunlu

    To watch the camel wrestling festival, visit the natural beauties, olive groves and ruins around Kuyucak district, Horsunlu.

    What to Eat in Horsunlu? What is it famous for?

    If you go to Horsunlu, there are many flavors to taste. Ayran pastry, delicious Aegean fish, vegetable dishes with plenty of olive oil, country fried foods, kenker dish, dried black-eyed peas with olive oil and roasted catnip are just a few of them. We also strongly recommend you to try watermelon and fig.

    If you stop by Horsunlu, do not forget to buy the natural Horsunlu olive oils and olives sold on the road. Don't forget to attend the traditional Camel Wrestling Festival.

    Bus Stations in Horsunlu

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