Bus Tickets to Esrefli

Information About Esrefli


Things You Need to Know After Buying the Esrefli Bus Ticket

Afyon town of Eşrefli, located in Emirdağ district, 102 km away from Afyon.

Eşrefli bus ticket

After getting there, you can reach it via public transportation, taxi and private vehicles via the bus station.

Eşrefli bus companies

Minibuses belonging to the company also run hourly trips, making transportation to the region easier. Continental climate prevails in the region. Its economy is based on agriculture and animal husbandry. The people living in Eşrefli Village are also called Karabakh Turkmens. Metro Tourism is frequently preferred when traveling to the region.

Places to Visit in Eşrefli

You can go to the city of Afyonkarahisar, which is famous for its natural underground resources, to benefit from its thermal waters and to visit its historical buildings. At work

Esrefli bus services

Some places you should see in and around the town after using it:

Dandindere Nature Reserve:
  • Covering a total area of 260 hectares, this region hosts many tree and plant species.
  • Yedikapı Nature Park:
  • This park, which has a pond, offers camping and picnic opportunities.
  • Suvermez Martyrdom:
  • It is known that this martyrdom, located near Eşrefli Village, was built in 1971 for the soldiers who were martyred in the fire opened by enemy planes in the War of Independence.
  • What to Eat in Eşrefli?

    The delicacies of this region, which you should not leave without eating when you arrive in the village, can be listed as follows;

    Meaty Basma:
  • This dish, served with special sauces and meat, is one of the most consumed dishes by the local people. Local and foreign tourists who come to the region definitely taste the meaty basma.
  • Winding:
  • This dish, prepared with thinly wrapped grape leaves, contains a special mixture. It is served with various sauces and many people prefer this wrap, unique to Eşrefli.
  • Where to Stay in Eşrefli?

    You can choose country houses and bungalows located in Eşrefli and nearby areas.

    Eşrefli bus ticket prices

    You can research in advance and find the opportunity to reach Eşrefli Village at more affordable prices.

    Bus Stations in Esrefli

    Operating Carriers Based in Esrefli
