Bus Tickets to Yahsihan

Information About Yahsihan

LAND AREA 304 km²
CITY Kirikkale

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Yahsihan Bus Ticket

Yahşihan district draws attention as it is the closest district to the center of Kırıkkale. This district, which has a population of approximately 30 thousand people, is constantly expanding its areas and activities with its social opportunities. There is approximately a 15-minute distance between the center and the district. Rahmi Hamurcu, Lider and Beydağı tourism companies provide services in the region.

From Kırıkkale Bus Terminal

Yahşihan bus ticket

When purchased, transportation is provided from Ankara-Kırıkkale Road on Samsun Boulevard. Very short bus trips make your journey enjoyable even before you reach the district.

Places to Visit in YahşihanYahşihan bus companies

You can come to the district and have the opportunity to visit the beauties of the region. Ideal options to relieve stress and listen are listed as follows:

Green Valley:
  • The valley, located in the Obaköy District of the district, offers the opportunity to carry out enjoyable nature activities.
  • Iron Bridge:
  • The bridge, dating back to the reign of Abdulhamid II, is known as the first iron bridge in Anatolia. It stands out for those who are curious about historical places.
  • Kırıkkale Urban Forest:
  • Located 10 kilometers away from the district, the forest offers suitable conditions for nature sports.
  • What to Eat in Yahşihan?Yahşihan bus schedules

    and its duration varies depending on the departure location of the bus. Kırıkkale Yahşihan

    You will have the convenience of accessing many delicacies during your journey with bus tours. The prominent dishes of the region are as follows:

    Sharp Pan:
  • Pancake prepared with low-fat lamb meat, tomatoes and green pepper is among the foods that are recommended to be tried. Although it is specific to the Keskin region, it is consumed mostly throughout the province.
  • Added Vaccine:
  • It is among the light dishes prepared with fresh yoghurt and boiled cracked wheat.
  • Tuvalak:
  • Meatballs prepared with a mixture of fine semolina and meat are served cooked in tomato paste.
  • Where to Stay in Yahşihan?

    Yahşihan is located close to the center. Therefore, you can easily reach many hotels both in the district and in the city center. Kırıkkale hotels with different facilities offer various alternatives in local facilities. With this

    Yahşihan bus ticket prices

    and accommodation fees have a wide range. So you can make a choice that suits your budget.


    The district is affiliated with Kırıkkale province. It is famous for its plateaus. There are plateaus with an altitude exceeding 1200 meters. The vegetation is steppe. Its climate has continental characteristics. Vegetation, grown products and economy are largely shaped by the climate.

    The majority of the vegetation in the district has pollinator and xeric characteristics. At the same time, very different flowers with different characteristics grow in its soil. Agriculture and animal husbandry are at the forefront. Sheep, goats and cattle are among the most commonly raised animals. Production of milk and dairy products is common.

    What You Need to Know After Buying a Bus Ticket to Yahşihan

    Since Yahşihan district is located far from the sea, there is no transportation by sea. You can only use highways to reach it. This includes either from the company you want

    bus ticket

    You can take it or reach the district with your own personal car.


    You can choose spring or summer months to travel and visit more comfortably and smoothly.

    5 Reasons to Visit Yahşihan
  • You can visit to participate in the traditional festivals and events held in Yahşihan district.
  • You can visit the weapons museum in the district to see and see.
  • You can visit to participate in the international cultural festival.
  • The district's handmade, beautifully woven rugs are famous. You can visit to see how the rugs are woven or to buy them.
  • You can come to buy woven saddlebags made in Yahşihan district.
  • in YahşihanPlaces to visit

    Since many civilizations passed through the district's territory, it has a historical texture and feature. There are ruins of civilization on the district's territory. Bahçeler Mound is the most well-known among these. You can also come to visit the steel bridge and protected area in Yahşihan.

    What to Eat in Yahşihan? What is it famous for?

    You can eat local dishes such as flour tarhana, yoghurt tarhana, Ekasi, Sızgıt, dımak, pelte, which are special to the region and the district. The district is especially famous for its historical mounds and bridges.

    Bus Stations in Yahsihan
