Bus Tickets to Hayrabolu

Information About Hayrabolu

LAND AREA 1,009 km²
CITY Tekirdag

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Hayrabolu Bus Ticket

Hayrabolu is one of the popular and lively districts of Tekirdağ. The entire district is small enough to be visited in 20 minutes. You can complete your Hayrabolu bus ticket purchases via Obilet.com.

Most of the companies operating Hayrabolu bus services are local travel companies. You can see all of these companies in detail on obilet.com. You can buy your Hayrabolu bus ticket from the company that suits you best by comparing features such as prices and departure times.

Where to visit in Hayrabolu?

There are several areas you can visit in Hayrabolu, which is a small and charming town. You should definitely see historical and religious structures such as Sarsan Baba Tomb, Ulu Mosque and Pasha Mosque. Hacılar Village Tumulus and Hacılar Bridge are other important structures to see.

What to eat in Hayrabolu?

You can't do without eating Tekirdağ meatballs, an indispensable part of Thracian cuisine. Also, don't leave without eating the cheese halva.

Where to stay in Hayrabolu?

Since Hayrabolu is a small district, there is only a teacher's house and a guesthouse. If you wish, you can stay in another district and come here for a day trip.

If you go to Tekirdağ, be sure to visit Hayrabolu. You can buy your bus ticket via Obilet.com.


The district is affiliated with Tekirdağ province. The district is one of the old settlements of the Thrace region. Although it was first discovered by the Turks in 1358, it was taken back from the Turks by the Roman Empire. It was conquered by the Turks again in 1368 during the reign of Sultan Murat and remained permanently in Turkish territory. After the conquest of Sultan Murad I, certain families from the Anatolian Region were settled in the district of Hayrabolu and its surroundings.

What You Need to Know After Buying Your Ticket to Hayrabolu

to Hayrabolu district

bus ticket

When you buy, you should make a list of things to visit and see in the district. Its old and first name, Hanri-Polis, meaning windy city, was changed to Hayri-bol after the Turks conquered the district, and has taken the form of Hayrabolu until today. It is known that Hayrabolu district, in its current location, was a forest area in ancient times.

5 Reasons to Visit Hayrabolu
  • The district is very rich in history.
  • From past to present, many civilizations have lived in the district and the district still bears the traces of these civilizations.
  • You may be interested in the story of the first people settling in the district and the changes that have occurred in the district until today.
  • The beautiful, charming town of the Thrace region is waiting for you to visit.
  • Hayrabolu is an ideal district if you want to have a nice chat with the local people and take a nice walk in the district.
  • Places to Visit in Hayrabolu

    To go to Hayrabolu district


    When you buy it, information about the historical past of the district may attract your attention. Although the castle surrounding the Hisar neighborhood was damaged and destroyed during the Ottoman period, its ruins still exist. There are many historical places you can visit in the district.

    Pasha Mosque, Hasan Bey Mosque, Serban-i Ahmet Lodge, Bazaar Mosque and Hacılar Bridge are among these places. Each of these historical places has its own story. While visiting these architectural works, you can also have the opportunity to learn about their historical background and details of the construction phase.

    What to Eat in Hayrabolu? What is it famous for?

    The cuisine of this district, which has hosted many civilizations in its history, is quite diverse and rich. Many flavors come together in this kitchen, from soups to desserts, from pastries to meat dishes.

    At the top of the food list is Hayrabolu style Tekirdağ meatballs. Hayrabolu dessert, shredded meat, buffalo yoghurt, fried liver, almond paste, cizleme and many other flavors are waiting for you in Hayrabolu cuisine.

    Bus Stations in Hayrabolu
