Bus Tickets to Kiziltepe

Information About Kiziltepe

LAND AREA 1,236 km²

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Kiziltepe Bus Ticket

Kızıltepe is a district of Mardin, which has tremendous beauty in terms of history and architecture. It is the old settlement of the region. You can explore the district by purchasing Kızıltepe bus tickets via Obilet.com.

Most of the companies providing Kızıltepe bus services are local travel companies. You can see all the companies in detail on Obilet.com. You can choose the company that suits you by comparing prices and features. You can buy your Kızıltepe bus ticket from the company you choose.

Where to visit in Kızıltepe?

There are must-see historical buildings and places in Kızıltepe, the old settlement of the region. You should definitely visit Kızıltepe Ulu Mosque, Şeyh Selim Tomb, Tacettin Mosque, Şahkulubey Tomb, Armenian Church, Dunaysır Bridge, Kızıltepe Mound, Harzem Mound, Salah Mound, Heşeli Mound, Bektaş Mound, Ali Pasha Mill, Kaya Mill and Gurs Valley.

What to eat in Kızıltepe?

You can find all the flavors of Mardin cuisine here. The first local dish you should definitely try is Dobelan kebab. You should not leave without eating Mardin style stuffed meat, maklube, Mardin burma, stuffed meatballs, şemburek, bulgur bread, alluciye, stuffed tripe and züngül dessert.

Where to stay in Kızıltepe?

Accommodation options are limited in Kızıltepe, but the ones available meet the needs. You can stay in 1-2 hotels and teachers' homes in the district.

Kızıltepe is a place you should definitely see from a historical perspective. You can travel by purchasing a bus ticket on Obilet.com.

Kızıltepe, one of the crowded districts of Mardin province, is a developed district 23 km away from the city and is an important district in social and cultural context. This Mesopotamian settlement, whose first name was Dunaysır, has experienced many name changes.

The district, which looks like a work of art with the reflection of the color of the sun hitting the yellow stones on the wheat fields, has hosted many civilizations and embraced many cultures. It took its name from the red color of the soil on its hills.

What You Need to Know After Buying a Bus Ticket to Kızıltepe

To travel to Mardin Kızıltepe

bus ticket

If you have the chance to have a holiday here or if you somehow happen to be in this district, you are coming to a district where the sun rays from the fertile lands of Mesopotamia will reveal the color of the soil like a work of art.

If you make a list of the places you want to visit and see, your whole holiday will be spent visiting. Like every district of Mardin, Kızıltepe is not just a district of a province, it is as beautiful and meaningful as the lines of a poem.

In this district that receives immigrants, you can visit the agricultural areas, which are the main source of income, participate in local events and festivals, and have a quiet and culturally valuable holiday.

5 Reasons to Visit Kızıltepe

  • Seeing the Mardin Biennial and attending international festivals
  • Seeing Kızıltepe Grand Mosque
  • Seeing the Şahkulubey Tomb
  • Tasting the amazing Kızıltepe Turkish coffee
  • Collecting information about historical ruins and conducting research
  • Places to Visit in Kızıltepe

    There are thousands of places worth visiting with their historical heritage and natural beauties in Kızıltepe. You can visit the whole district and have a pleasant time with the warm welcome of the people here. If you are in the center of Kızıltepe, you should definitely visit the Kızıltepe Great Mosque, dating from the Artuqid period.

    This district, which hides many civilizations and beliefs, has churches and madrasahs as well as mosques. Harzem Tacettin Mesud Madrasa is a must-see place of worship and center of education. Şahkulubey Tomb and Taşköprü are among the heritages that everyone who passes through this district should visit.

    What to Eat and What is Famous in Kızıltepe?

    Kızıltepe is a district whose entire surface area is suitable for agriculture. The best quality agricultural products, grains and legumes are grown here. These quality products are also reflected on the tables. Local people make various and delicious dishes from these products.

    You will not forget the taste of these dishes, which even have different names. Kibbe, Irok, Ikbebet, onion kebab, stuffed ribs, dobo, Harire Dessert are some of them.

    Bus Stations in Kiziltepe

    Kiziltepe Hotels
