Bus Tickets to Tatarli

Information About Tatarli

CITY Αφιόν

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Tatarli Bus Ticket

Tatarlı town, located in Turkey's Afyonkarahisar province, has been used as a settlement since ancient times. The town is located 35 kilometers from Dinar district center and approximately 57 kilometers from the center of Afyonkarahisar.

from the center

Tatarlı bus services

You can reach the town via . Once transportation is easily provided, you can transfer to the hotel via shuttle service, if the hotel offers accommodation. Metro Tourism is preferred for transportation to the region.

Places to Visit in Tatarli

There are archaeological finds and natural beauties in Tatarlı town and its surroundings.

Tatar bus companies

The beauties you can see with the services provided by:

Gumussu Waterfall:
  • You also have the opportunity to taste the flowing water from the waterfall, which offers a visual feast with its incredible view.
  • Tatarlı Tumulus Excavations:
  • The engravings on the wooden tomb and walls are worth seeing.
  • Lake Eldere:
  • Eldere Lake, famous for the emergence of the Pan legend, hosts a wonderful view both in the morning and in the evening.
  • What to Eat in Tatarlı?

    There are many local flavors to taste in Tatarlı region and its surroundings.

    Tatarlı bus ticket

    Flavors you should try after purchasing:

  • Zürbiye, a meat dish, is one of the delicacies you should definitely try.
  • Sakala Soup:
  • It draws attention with its satiating properties and being one of the most famous soups of Afyon.
  • Ilibada Stuffing:
  • It is made with the labada plant grown in the Afyon region.
  • Where to Stay in Tatarlı?

    Tatarlı town is located close to the center of Afyonkarahisar.

    Tatarlı bus ticket prices

    You have the opportunity to stay in Tatarlı and the surrounding areas by choosing the one that suits you best. While suitable accommodation options include hostels and apart hotels, there are also hotels in Tatarlı and its surroundings for a more comfortable holiday.

    Bus Stations in Tatarli

    Operating Carriers Based in Tatarli

    Popular Bus Trips Arriving At Tatarli

    * The ticket prices shown are the most affordable prices of the tickets purchased at obilet within the last 7 days. Please inquire the current ticket prices from above