Bus Tickets to Altkoy

Information About Altkoy

CITY Erzincan

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Altkoy Bus Ticket

Altköy, which is located far from the center of Erzincan, is known for the provinces it is connected to. Altköy, which has developed alongside the developments experienced by the surrounding provinces, also has various advantages in terms of transportation. The village, located on the border of the Black Sea Region, had only 23 households in the past.

Altikoy bus ticket

You can go to Refahiye district, where it is located, and from there to the city center by Bizim Iğdır, Aras and Iğdır Turizm buses. It is possible to reach Refahiye from the minibus stop of the village and from there to the center of Erzincan with these companies.

Places to Visit in Altköy

While experiencing the natural beauties of Altköy, you can also visit the unique beauties in the center of Erzincan. To visit these unique beauties

Altköy bus ticket prices

You can choose the one that suits you and get the chance to see the unique beauties. These beauties;

Kemah Castle:
  • An old castle structure whose historical adventure dates back to the Hittite-Urartu period.
  • Otlukbeli Lake:
  • It is a lake declared as a natural monument that should be visited by those who want to take nature photographs.
  • Köroğlu Cave:
  • You need to use stone stairs to reach the cave and
  • Altköy bus services
  • An exploration cave that you can easily reach via .
  • What to Eat in Altköy?

    After reaching the town center, you can taste unique flavors. These;

  • It stands out as a dough dish prepared with flour, salt, water and baking soda.
  • Evelik Stuffed:
  • This dish, which is cooked by boiling bones as well as regular stuffed vine leaves, is among the famous dishes of the region.
  • Sizing:
  • It melts on your palate as a unique flavor cooked with onion, rice and minced meat.
  • Where to Stay in Altköy?

    There are small boutique and apart hotels in Altköy to accommodate you. Offering many accommodation opportunities, Altköy hotels provide you with a comfortable life. After hotel reservation

    Altköy flight ticket

    You can look around and reach the city by air.

    Altkoy flights

    You can enjoy the unique beauties after arriving in the city.


    It is a village in the Refahiye district of Erzincan. The village is close to the district center. It is located 10 kilometers away. Villagers carry out many activities, social and cultural projects with the association they have established.

    There are also social facilities in Altköy village. The village is located among greenery. It is one of the large villages of Refahiye district. Although there is an increase in the village population in summer, only 20-30 households remain open in winter. The village, which does not have a plain area, also has a rugged terrain.

    What You Need to Know After Buying a Bus Ticket to Altköy

    to Altköy

    bus ticket

    Those who are interested can start the process by taking the first step to see the natural and cultural beauties of the village. to come to the village


    Those who cannot find it can come to the center and then reach the village.

    5 Reasons to Visit Altköy

  • Altköy village is one of the largest villages of Refahiye district. It is a place that must be visited by those who come to Refahiye district.
  • Since it is located in an area where Eastern Anatolia, Black Sea and Central Anatolia regions intersect, it has the cultural, climate and geographical characteristics of all three regions.
  • Villagers organize many events and festivals thanks to the association they established. You can also join these festivities and events by coming to the village.
  • There is a village mansion and social facilities for those who come to the village to stay comfortably. When you come to the village, you will not have any problems with transportation and accommodation. Therefore, it is a feature that you can visit when you come to the district or nearby areas.
  • The village has its own culture, food, desserts, clothes and nature. You can come here and see it closely.
  • Places to Visit in Altköy

    When you come to Altköy, you can visit every corner of this place. You can also visit the village mosque, social facilities and village mansion in the village.

    What to Eat in Altköy? What is it famous for?

    When you come to Alköy, you can eat dugulcek soup, roasted hair and keskek. Altköy is famous for being the intersection of 3 regions. At the same time, the village is also famous for the associations it has established.

    Bus Stations in Altkoy

    Carriers That Have Ceased to Operate Based on Altkoy
