Bus Tickets to Yayladere

Information About Yayladere

LAND AREA 417 km²

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Yayladere Bus Ticket

Yayladere district, located in Bingöl city in the Eastern Anatolia Region of our country, is located 108 km away from the city center. Bilgöl's Kiğı district is located in the east of Yayladere district, Elazığ's Karakoçan district is in the south, and Tunceli's Pülümür and Nazmiye districts are in the west and northwest.

Yayladere bus ticket

It is possible to reach the region by getting off at Bingöl Bus Terminal and using the minibuses that go from Bingöl Bus Terminal to Yayladere district center.

From Yayladere bus companies

Passengers mostly prefer Öz Has Bingöl, Özlem Bingöl Seyahat and Yeni Öz Bingöllüler companies.

Places to Visit in Yayladere

Yayladere has many beauties due to its location.

Yayladere bus services

The places you can easily visit are as follows:

Kalkanli Caves:
  • Located 30 minutes away from the town center, the cave is located next to Kalkan Waterfall.
  • Sulbus Mountain:
  • Sülbüs Mountain, which is a volcanic mountain, is located on the northwest side of the district. Sülbüs Mountain, which has snow on its top most of the time, is also preferred by mountaineers for climbing.
  • Özlüce Dam:
  • The dam, located on the Peri Stream, was built between 1992-2000 and is known to be the largest power plant in Bingöl and its surroundings.
  • What to Eat in Yayladere?Yayladere bus ticket prices

    It is possible to visit Yayladere in every season, as it is generally available at intervals that suit your budget. If you want to taste the local flavors of the region while you are in Yayladere, our recommendations for the flavors you should try are as follows:

    Tutmaç Soup:
  • The soup, which contains plenty of ingredients such as noodles, lentils and roasted meat, becomes an indispensable part of Bingöl cuisine, especially in winter.
  • Mastuva:
  • The dish, made with only rice, buttermilk and butter, is known as one of the dishes made with the least amount of ingredients in the Bingöl region. It tastes like rice with yoghurt.
  • Tandoori Bread:
  • Tandoori bread, one of the indispensable breads of the Eastern region, is consumed very frequently in Yayladere. It would be beneficial not to return from the region without tasting the bread baked in tandoor ovens.
  • Where to Stay in Yayladere?

    There are hotels around Yayladere that will suit every budget and offer you the comfort of home. The Yayladere region, which has hotels as comfortable as home, has both apart hotels and all-inclusive hotels.

    If you want to fly to Yayladere district more quickly and comfortably, you can reach Bingöl Airport from your city.

    Bingöl flights

    It would be useful for you to examine it. On the date that suits you

    Bingöl flight ticket

    It is possible to have a pleasant holiday.

    Bus Stations in Yayladere
