Bus Tickets to Silopi

Information About Silopi

LAND AREA 831 km²
CITY Sirnak

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Silopi Bus Ticket

Silopi is one of the old settlements of Şırnak. Located at the foot of Cudi Mountain, this district has its own unique atmosphere. If you want to explore, you can purchase Silopi bus tickets via obilet.com.

Silopi bus services are organized only by local travel companies. You can see all of these companies in detail on obilet.com. So you can make price and feature comparisons between them. You can buy your Silopi bus ticket by choosing the company that suits you best.

Where to visit in Silopi?

Silopi is a very old settlement. However, many of its buildings have not survived to the present day in good condition.

You can go to the Kızılsu River and enjoy the nature of the district. You should also see the King and Queen reliefs on the white rocks here.

The reliefs of Sanherip on Mount Cudi and the ruins of the masjid and cistern between Cizre and Silopi are also worth seeing.

The foundations of Prophet Noah's house are also located here.

What to eat in Silopi?

You can also taste all the local flavors of Şırnak here. You should definitely try flavors such as kutlık, şerbidev, kipe, şımşıpe, mahmılatlık, fıreydin, curtain pilafı, suryaz, meyre, hekeheşandi and birınzer.

Where to stay in Silopi?

Since Silopi is a small settlement, accommodation options are somewhat limited. There are 1-2 accommodation facilities in the district suitable for every budget.

Silopi is a place that is recommended to be seen when you come to Şırnak. You can plan your trip by purchasing bus tickets on Obilet.com.

Although it has been associated with terrorism in recent years, it is one of our regions that attracts attention with its historical and natural beauties. It contains many natural beauties that are visited by local and foreign tourists when there is no terrorism in the region. Although it is associated with terrorism, it has recently attracted attention with its natural beauties. Transportation to the area

bus ticket

It is possible to go by purchasing an airline ticket, but winter conditions are harsh. The region, which has a historical texture, has also hosted past civilizations.

What You Need to Know After Buying a Silopi Bus Ticket

If for various reasons



to Silopi

If you want to go, for transportation to the region


You can choose your journey. You can buy online from Biletall by choosing one of the companies serving in the region.

Silopi ticket

You can reach the region by taking .

However, when you buy a ticket, you may have to wait for the transportation from where you get off to your destination. To avoid this situation, you can choose a taxi or minibus.

5 Reasons to Visit Silopi

  • If you care about natural beauties, you should definitely go to Silopi.
  • You can reach the region during the winter season for winter sports,
  • You may want to meet friendly people and see their customs in action,
  • Silopi can be preferred for local delicacies,
  • You can choose the region to see the changing face of Silopi on site.
  • Places to Visit in Silopi

    You can choose Yılmaz Güney park with its view and natural beauties. The park is among the beautiful parks of the region with its extraordinary features for those who want to do sports.

    You can examine the historical beauties, lakes and historical heritages on site. You can find many places you would like to see in Silopi, which is one of the special places of the region in terms of its historical heritage.

    What to Eat in Silopi? What is it famous for?

    If you like kebab,

    Silopi bus ticket

    After you reach the district, you can taste your taste buds at the restaurants that offer this service in the region.


    You can find flavors.

    Local flavors predominate in the region, and you can find ideal flavors for local and foreign tourists. The flavors of the dishes in the region are to everyone's taste.

    Bus Stations in Silopi
