Bus Tickets to Goynucek

Information About Goynucek

LAND AREA 591 km²
CITY Амасия

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Goynucek Bus Ticket

Göynücek is one of the small districts of Amasya. This small and beautiful district, famous for its okra, is a place to visit with pleasure. You can explore the district by purchasing your Göynücek bus ticket via Obilet.com.

Almost all of the companies providing Göynücek bus services are local companies. You have the opportunity to see all the companies in detail on Obilet.com. By comparing their prices and features, you can choose the company that suits you and buy your Göynücek bus ticket.

Where to visit in Göynücek?

Although there are very few specific buildings to visit in Göynücek, you can visit and enjoy its unique atmosphere and streets. You should definitely go up to Gökçeli Castle and see its view and beauty.

What to eat in Göynücek?

Göynücek's okra is quite famous. In addition to eating okra while you're there, you should also buy it and take it home.

Where to stay in Göynücek?

Although the number of accommodation facilities you can stay in Göynücek is small, their capacity is sufficient. You can stay in hotels or teacher's homes in the district.

Göynücek is a place you should definitely visit when you come to Amasya. You can buy your bus ticket on Obilet.com and hit the road.


Known as a district of the province


Located in the southwest, Göynücek was previously known as a district of Çorum. Its history dates back to the Middle Bronze Age, between 2000 and 2500 BC. Göynücek, which came under Pontus rule in 47 BC, became a district that came under Roman rule during the Zela war in 47 BC.

What You Need to Know After Buying a Göynücek Bus Ticket

It will be useful to have preliminary information before going to the region. You can note the places to visit in your agenda.



There are 3 trips to the district.

The most suitable companies

By finding it on Biletall

Goynucek bus ticket

You can find the opportunity to take it and have an economical trip.

5 Reasons to Visit Göynüceğ

1- Although it does not have many touristic activities, it is a peaceful and quiet town where you can rest your mind.

2- You can see the castle ruins in Akçeli village, which is a historical monument.

3- It keeps our culture alive as a district that attaches importance to customs and traditions.

4- It is a suitable place to see a village wedding and a must-see for those who value our traditions.

5- It has healing drinking water. This water is very beneficial for those who have urinary tract and kidney stone problems.

Places to Visit in Goynucek

Gökçeli Castle is a castle dating from the Roman period. Parts of the castle, which has a stepped tunnel and a crepis structure, have corridors.

The plateaus should definitely be seen when you visit. There are special places for those who want to be alone with nature.

What to Eat in Göynücek? What is it famous for?

Keskek, poppy seed pastry, yarma soup, bulgur pilaf, tarhana soup are the most popular and popular local delicacies in the region, which has delicious food.

Poppy grain and sunflower production is given importance in this district. Vegetable and meat dishes are also among the dishes that are made quite frequently.

Meat dishes with vegetables, which you should definitely try in Göynücek, are appreciated as both healthy and delicious dishes.

Those who are interested in village weddings can have a very fun and beautiful time.

Bus Stations in Goynucek

Göynücek Bus Stationı Cumhuriyet, Çağlar Sk. No:13, 05900 Göynücek/Amasya

Operating Carriers Based in Goynucek

Carriers That Have Ceased to Operate Based on Goynucek
