Bus Tickets to Vezirhan

Information About Vezirhan

CITY Βιλεχικ

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Vezirhan Bus Ticket

Vezirhan town, which is 17 km away from Bilecik city center, got its name from the fact that Köprülü Mehmet Pasha had a caravanserai built. Later, immigrants settled in the district where Greeks had previously lived.

People going to Vezirhan must first reach the bus station. There is a bus line to reach Vezirhan district from Bilecik center.

Vezirhan bus companies

Within this scope, Öz Bilecik Travel is among the prominent companies.

Places to Visit near Vezirhan

In Vezirhan, which has hosted many different civilizations throughout history,

Vezirhan bus schedules

The places you can reach and visit are listed as follows:

Sheikh Edebali Tomb:
  • The tomb containing the remains of Sheikh Edebali, one of the biggest supporters of the establishment of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Pelitözü Pond Park:
  • The famous park welcomes you with its unique view of blue and green together. There is an opportunity to have a picnic around it.
  • What to Eat in Vezirhan?Vezirhan bus ticket

    The delicacies you can buy and taste after reaching the town center:

    Partridge Kebab:
  • Partridge kebab, one of the Ottoman culinary delicacies, is among the local delicacies with its unique taste.
  • Sac Kebab:
  • Sac Kebab, made from beef, is among the flavors of Bilecik that you should definitely try.
  • Where to Stay in Vezirhan?

    There are not many accommodation options in Vezirhan, but there are aparthotels and hotels in Bilecik center. It is possible to have a unique holiday experience with buses departing from Bilecik center.

    Vezirhan bus ticket prices

    You can make a hotel reservation by browsing.

    By air, which is one of the other transportation options

    Flight tickets to Bilecik

    By purchasing it, you can reach the region in a short time.

    Bilecik flights

    You can easily reach your accommodation via .

    Bus Stations in Vezirhan

    Carriers That Have Ceased to Operate Based on Vezirhan
