Billetes de Autobús a Alayhan

Información Sobre Alayhan

CIUDAD Aksaray

Cosas Que Debe Saber Después de Comprar el Billete de Autobús De Alayhan


It is a village located 34 km away from Aksaray and its most important structure is the caravanserai, which is a Seljuk work. It attracts attention in this direction due to its unique architecture. Although it is not yet the expected interest in terms of tourism, the prevailing opinion is that it will increase in the future. It is different with its three-dimensional architectural features, materials, stones and ornamentation features.

It wouldn't be wrong to describe Aksaray Alayhan as a diamond or a treasure with its unique hidden features. Apart from this, as a general introduction, it should be said that animal husbandry and agriculture are developed. Being a small village in its own right, it has quite remarkable features with its quality architecture.

What You Need to Know After Buying an Alayhan Bus Ticket

Alayhan is a village of Aksaray.

Alayhan bus ticket

The only thing that will be known afterwards is that we are heading towards a path that will fascinate the architectural style. Aksaray is already a district full of historical features. After visiting Alayhan caravanserai, it is a must not to visit Aksaray while within the district borders.

5 Reasons to Visit Alayhan

  • Alayhan caravanserai
  • Aksaray historical and natural beauties
  • Cultural and natural beauties
  • hot springs
  • Ihlara Valley
  • Places to Visit in Alayhan

    Alayhan is a small village. After visiting and seeing the fascinating structure with its architectural style and being assimilated, the next thing to do is to visit Aksaray. The cathedral and fairy chimneys in Aksaray are worth seeing. Acemhöyük has the feature of an open air museum. Aksaray Monastery Valley makes a difference with its natural and mystical beauty.

    What to Eat in Alayhan? What is it famous for?

    In Aksaray, Alayhan's local tastes include testi kebab, Aksaray pancake, stuffed quince, and sac pastry. You can't leave without trying pita with minced meat and sherbet. Ömermiş cheese is a famous gift item of the region. Since Turkish carpet weaving still continues in Aksaray, carpets and rugs can be purchased here. Even for all these tastes

    Alayhan ticket

    It is worth buying.
