Bus Tickets to Derepazari

Information About Derepazari

LAND AREA 28 km²

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Derepazari Bus Ticket

Derepazarı is one of the small districts of Rize. To go to this district, located on the coastal road and adorned with tea fields, you can buy a Derepazarı bus ticket on obilet.com.

Since Derepazarı is a district, Derepazarı bus services are provided only by local travel companies. You can see these companies on Obilet.com, compare their prices, choose the one that suits you and buy your Derepazarı bus ticket.

Where to visit in Derepazarı?

There is no specific point you need to visit in Derepazarı. But each street has a different atmosphere and ambiance. You can go to the tea fields and watch the villagers picking tea, and if you are curious, you can join them. It is a small green district because it rains in every season.

What to eat in Derepazarı?

You can taste different types of fish. It is recommended to eat anchovies and trout, especially if they are in season.

Where to stay in Derepazarı?

There are no accommodation options in Derepazarı. But you can stay in İyidere district center or Rize center and make a day trip here.

To come to Derepazarı, you can check the timetables on obilet.com.


Although Rize is a small settlement and has a low population, it is a district that attracts a lot of attention and has a wonderful, lovely nature that makes people feel peaceful. Many local and foreign holidaymakers come to Derepazarı, located on the Trabzon coastal road, during the summer months.

What You Need to Know After Buying a Bus Ticket to Derepazarı

If you happen to be in Derepazarı or want to travel here,

bus ticket

If you have purchased it, be prepared to travel to a peaceful town surrounded by nature. This small, charming fairy-tale town, which fascinates visitors with its unique nature in every season, summer and winter, begins to host more guests as the weather warms up in the summer months. If you happen to be here, you can take nature walks and breathe in plenty of oxygen in this district, which covers the coastline between the two provinces.

5 Reasons to Visit Derepazarı

  • Participating in derepazarı pita and tourism festival
  • Breathing clean air and plenty of oxygen
  • Tasting the cuisine of the Black Sea region blended with the culture of the local people
  • Seeing the deep blue sea in its clean state
  • Chatting with local people who have witnessed history
  • Places to Visit in Derepazarı

    In this small, charming coastal town where the blue of the sea and the green of nature are intertwined, the natural beauty embraces holidaymakers so much that it does not need to be a place worth visiting. Anyone who comes here or guests who come for a holiday will have no other place they would like to visit and see when they walk along the seaside, breathing in the oxygen-rich air. Participating in Derepazarı festivals and seeing the town center is an enjoyable activity for everyone who comes here. Taşkuyu Cave, Aynalı Lake Cave, and Dark Canyon are natural formations that everyone who comes here wants to see.


    You can have the opportunity to see these regions by taking advantage of the opportunities.

    What to Eat and What is Famous in Derepazarı

    In this charming district of the Black Sea, the cuisine and dishes fascinate those who come as much as the nature and the sea. Everyone who comes here plans to come again because they cannot get enough of the local flavors here. There are so many delicious dishes that you can come to this charming town just to eat. The most essential of these is anchovy. Anchovy rice, anchovy pan, corn bread, Mıhlama, anchovy soup, Korkoto soup, stuffed zucchini with molasses are some of these delicacies.

    Bus Stations in Derepazari

    Carriers That Have Ceased to Operate Based on Derepazari

    Derepazari Hotels
