Bus Tickets to Sarikamis

Information About Sarikamis

LAND AREA 2,038 km²

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Sarikamis Bus Ticket

Sarıkamış is a district of Kars with great historical importance. It is one of the special places to be seen with its unique beauties and historical values. You can visit the district by purchasing Sarıkamış bus tickets via Obilet.com.

Most of the companies providing Sarıkamış bus services are local travel companies. You can see these companies in detail on obilet.com and compare them. You can buy your Sarıkamış bus ticket online from the company you choose.

Where to visit in Sarıkamış?

Sarıkamış has one of the important ski resorts of the country. If you like skiing, you can come here and have a pleasant time.

You should definitely visit the Sarıkamış Martyrs' Cemetery, built in memory of our soldiers who lost their lives during the Sarıkamış Operation.

Besides these, you should definitely wander the streets of Sarıkamış.

What to eat in Sarıkamış?

Foods you must eat when you go to Sarıkamış: mafiş, goose lokma, herle soup, kavut, anık vaccine, evelik soup and hoggiri soup.

Where to stay in Sarıkamış?

The only address for those who want to stay in the district center is the teacher's house. If you go to the ski resort, there is a separate accommodation facility there.

Sarıkamış is one of the most special places in the country. You can explore the district by purchasing your bus ticket via Obilet.com.


It is the largest district of Kars and one of the most important tourism centers of Turkey. Sarıkamış has turned the heavy snowfall and cold weather in the region into an advantage, and Sarıkamış Ski Center hosts thousands of ski lovers every year during the winter months.

This valuable region, whose historical importance is known in the world as well as in our country, is filled with people who come to visit the Sarıkamış Martyrs. It is a highly developed district with its historical sites, nature and tourism potential.

What You Need to Know After Buying a Bus Ticket to Sarıkamış

Every year in the winter months, thousands of people come to Sarıkamış to ski, visit the Sarıkamış Martyrs' Cemetery and recite Fatiha to our martyrs. If you bought a ticket to come to Sarıkamış, you will love this district, which is famous for its historical places and natural beauties.

If you happen to be here, you should definitely see the magnificent Katerina Mansion, which is actually a hunting lodge. Everyone who comes to Sarıkamış should definitely visit the Sarıkamış Martyrs' Cemetery.

5 Reasons to Visit Sarıkamış

  • Seeing Katerina's mansion
  • Sarıkamış ski resort
  • Visiting Sarıkamış Martyrdom
  • Allahuekber mountains
  • Wandering along the shores of Lake Asboğa
  • Places to Visit in Sarıkamış

    Sarıkamış is a district that is highly appreciated by everyone who comes here with its historical places, natural beauties and local delicacies. No one who comes here should return without seeing the Sarıkamış Martyrdom, whose importance for our country in history is known to the world.

    Katerina's mansion, which has a natural beauty as a hunting lodge, hosts thousands of visitors every year. Sarıkamış ski resort, which is the largest income source of Sarıkamış district, is one of the important tourism places of our country.

    Asboğa Lake and Cıbıltepe ski resort are among the natural beauties that are enjoyed by those who come here.

    What to Eat in Sarıkamış? What is it famous for?

    Sarıkamış is a district famous for its historical sites, natural beauties, as well as its milk and dairy products. You can eat the best local foods such as Kars kashar, filtered honey, chechil cheese and goose meat here.

    Kars kete, bulgur pilaf, and cranberry compote are delicacies that everyone who comes here should try.

    Bus Stations in Sarikamis

    Sarıkamış Bus Stationı Erenler, 36520 Sarıkamış/Kars

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